Chapter 7

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Nick's p.o.v (finally 😂)
Aliyah invited me over to her house to start working on our project. I was a little nervous, though.

I've never told anyone this before, but I've always had an eye for Liyah. I mean, who wouldn't. That's why I don't understand how Darren and her have never done anything before.

I will admit, I do get jealous of Aliyah and Darren's relationship. I've never told anyone about my feelings for Aliyah, cause I've always felt guilty about it.

I mean, I was in a relationship and was starting to have feelings for someone else. That sounds pretty cruel if you ask me.

I was driving over to Aliyah's house right now. I stopped by the store quickly and got a few snacks for us to have while we work.

She texted me a few minutes after school and told me her parents weren't home, asking me if I wanted to go over.

Once I pulled up to her house, I stared at it in amazement. It was so big, bigger than mine actually.

I grabbed all the bags of snacks and walked up to her front door, knocking.

Who opened the door surprised me. It was Darren, not Aliyah.

"Oh hey, Darren." "Hey Nick. I was just leaving." He turned to Aliyah and gave her a hug, and she kissed his cheek which me made my stomach get into a knot.

"Bye Aliyah. Bye Nick. Have fun you guys, but not too much fun", He winked at Liyah.

I watched as her face went red and she gave him the finger. I laughed and went inside. "Hey Nick." She reaches up on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek.

"Hey. I brought some snacks if that's ok." "You didn't need too. I'm always eating so our pantries are full." She giggled. I swear, it was the cutest thing.

"It's ok. Now you got some more things to stuff in your pantry." She nodded and took the bags from me, placing them on her kitchen counter.

"Alrighty, well, let's get to work yea?" I nodded. She grabbed my hand and led me to what I guess was her bedroom.

I smiled, looking down at our hands intertwined. "Sorry for any mess." I looked around her room. What mess was there?

"Uhh, Leah, there's no mess in here." "Oh. Well..." We fell into a silence. It wasn't exactly comfortable, though.

I watched as her hips swayed, as she walked over to the bed taking a seat. She patted the empty spot beside her, followed by me filling it.

I heard her sigh. "I don't really wanna work on the project." I looked over at her and she was fiddling with her fingers.

"So what do you want to do?" I spoke out in a whisper. She still didn't look up at me.

"Aliyah, look at me. What's up?" She continued to sit there and fidget with her hands.

I brought my hand to her face, and gently turned it so it was looking at me. "What's wrong?" She finally looked into my eyes, and I swear I could've passed out.

She's so beautiful. I don't know how I hadn't realized before.

"U-Um, nothing. It's nothing. I forgot what I was gonna say. I get really nervous and then you know, the thought just slips out of mind."

I smiled at her cutely rambling on. "Ok. Well, let's get started on the project. Or do you want me to leave since you said you don't wanna do it."

She shook her head, standing up. "No, no it's ok. We'll work on the project."

I stood up, going to grab my backpack from downstairs.

It's probably just me, but for a second there, I thought we were gonna kiss.
This chapter was realllllll stupidddd 🙄

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