Chapter 8

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Aliyah's p.o.v
After Nick left, I couldn't stop thinking about how much of an idiot I was.

I acted stupid, cause in all honesty, I wanted to kiss Nick. But then I remembered that Sophia is my best friend, and whether she did or didn't cheat, I could never do that to her.

When Nick and I worked on the project, we got a fair amount of it done, considering it was still the first day.

Right now, I was walking to science class. Today we were going to be cutting open a baby squid, which meant I would need a partner. In this class Brielle, Darren and Nick were in it. And of course, a few of Nick's friends.

As I was walking, I heard someone calling my name. When I turned my head I saw Darren jogging towards me. "Hey Dar. What's up?" He smiled and threw his arm around me. "Nothin. How did it go last night with Nick?"  I groaned. "I embarrassed myself." "How?"

"I'll tell you on the ride home." He nodded and we walked into class with his arm still around me. The first thing I saw was Nick roll his eyes and look down at the table.

"Uhhh, Darren?" He hummed. "There's only two empty seats. One beside Nick and the other beside Brielle." I saw him immediately pout. "Can I please sit beside her today? Then after school we can do whatever you want, I promise."

I looked over at Nick who still had his head down, and then at Brielle, who was smiling at us. I smiled back. "Fine. You can go. But you promise we can do anything?" He stuck out his pinky and I linked mine with it. "Promise."

He then left and walked over to Brielle. I saw a light blush take over her cheeks. I walked over to Nick and sat beside him. "Hey Nick." He looked up at me and mumbled a hey. "What's wrong?" He shook his head. Weirdo.

"Ok class, you each have a pair of gloves and a mask, and the utensils you will need to carry out the experiment. We discussed this yesterday, so you should know what you're doing If you don't, it's clear you were not paying attention.  You all may begin."

The teacher went and sat down at his desk, starting to do something on his laptop. "So, do you wanna cut open the squid or do you want me to?" He shrugged and I sighed. "Nick, come on. I'm not sure what's upsetting you but please work with me. It's partner work, not individual work."

He let out a breath, before putting on the mask, gloves and grabbing the knife. I smiled, "Thank you." "No problem." He waited until I had my mask and gloves on, before he started cutting open the squid.

He knew what he was doing, so I waited a few seconds before asking him this question. "Nick, why are you so upset?" He set down the knife before looking at me. "I'm not." "Yes you are. Why are you so mopey?" I heard hum mumble something, but I couldn't understand what it was.

"I said I'm just upset about Sophia." I didn't believe that. The whole day he was fine and the second Darren and I walked in, he started acting like a pissy baby.

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