Chapter 6

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Aliyah's p.o.v
"Ok, tell me overything." Darren and I were driving to school.

I had put on something casual, which was, a grey tank top with a Nike windbreaker over it, halfway zipped and a pair of blue skinny jeans. I left my hair down,and decided not to wear makeup today cause I really didn't feel like putting it on.

I finished off the look with a pair of diamond stud earrings, my matching necklace with Dar, and a pair of black and white vans.

"Ok, so it began with us meeting at the park like I told you when I left your house. Then he asked if I wanted to go somewhere, but we didn't go anywhere specific. We kind of just drove around all evening. Then he dropped me off at my house. And guess what else!"

He brought his hand to sit on my thigh, giving it a squeeze, indicating me to continue. "I kissed his cheek before I went inside. And, he made sure I went inside before he left."

I saw his eyes light up. "No way! You actually got some guts." I laughed and playfully smacked his arm. "I always have, it's just gotta be the right guy that I can show it around."

He wiggled his eyebrows. "Does that mean Nick is the guy?"  I sighed, "I don't know. Yesterday he told me he's glad things are done with him and Sophia cause he has his eyes on another girl. When I told mom she said it was probably me."

He slowly nodded before humming. "I agree with mom. It most definitely is you."  One thing I probably forgot to mention was that Darren and I call each others moms, mom. We've always been so close that it's normal.

"I want to belive it, but I just don't."
"Bye Brielle." I unlinked my arm from hers and walked into class. This is the class that I have with Sophia, Nick and his friends.

The bell just rang when I walked through the doorway, and as I had guessed, Sophia was nowhere to be found.

I took my normal spot and waited for the other students to come in. I watched as they all piled in, in bunches. No one in them, being Sophia. I did though, feel myself smile a little when I saw Nick walk into them room.

He almost immediately spotted me, smiled, and made his way over to me. I don't know why though, he never sat with me.

"Hey Leah." "Hey. Why you sitting over here today? You normally sit over there with your friends." He gave me a nervous smile.

"I just wanted to sit next to you, I saw that you were alone and figured I would come sit beside you. Why? Do you want me to move?" I shook my head. "It's ok. I don't mind. Just wondering."

I heard the teacher clear her throat and I turned my attention towards the front. "Good afternoon class. Today I am assigning you all a small project, and it is to be completed with a partner. I'll give you time now to plan that out before getting into the lesson."

I sat there. I normally waited for someone to come up to me when Sophia wasn't here, considering it was only her that was my friend in here.

I turned my head towards Nick, who was looking at me with a smile. I gave him a small one back, expecting him to get up and go to one of his friends.

"What are you waiting for? Go be with one of your friends. I'll find someone to work with." He chuckled at me rambling. "I want you to be my partner, Aliyah."

I gave him a questioning look. "Why? Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?" "I'm just trying to thank you. I know I've said it already, so many times. But last night meant a lot to me. For you, it was probably just a night hanging out with some loser that got cheated on...but to me it was a distraction from everything and it really helped me."

I smiled at him and gave his hand, that was resting on the desk a slight squeeze. "So are we partners?" "Yes, Nick, were partners."

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