Chapter 3

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Aliyah's p.o.v
"Sophia? What do you mean shit?"

I saw her start to fidget with her fingers. Oh my God, did she cheat on Nick?

"Sophia! Answer me!" She side-eyed me, keeping her face straight.

"Did you cheat on Nick?" I stared at her, and watched as she slowly nodded her head. "SOPHIA! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" I yelled.

I didn't even realize, but I was standing up from my seat, and the whole class was looking at me, including Nick.

"Ms. Russel, please sit down!"  My teacher spoke with a stern voice.

"Sorry", I mumbled and took my spot again. I looked around the room and Nick was looking at me with a question look. I waved my hand at him, shooing him off.

"Sophia, why would you do that to Nick?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I just did it." "Wow, great explanation." 

She was about to say something else, but I put my hand up to her face, not wanting to hear her talk anymore.
"Hey Dar." I kissed his cheek and closed the car door.

School was now done and we were leaving. I felt so bad for Nick that every time he would look at me I would walk away and when he tried to talk to me I would pretend I had to go to the bathroom and leave.

I haven't talked to Sophia since she told me she's cheating on Nick.

Like how could you do that?! And what kind of answer is I don't know?!

She's my best friend, but she really pissed me off today.

"Hey. What's up? Your so..blah." I groaned and threw my head back and Darren started to drive.

"Sophia." He laughed. "What did Sophia do now?" "I can't say, but I'm sure it'll come out soon."

He nodded. "Am I dropping you off at yours?" "I don't know. Is it ok if we hang out at your place?" "Sure. My parents aren't home."

"Alrighty." I felt Darren place his hand on my thigh, giving it a light squeeze in an attempt to calm me down. "What do you wanna do once we get there?" He questioned me.

"We could just watch a movie. I'm sure I won't stay for long." I saw him pout, causing me to giggle.

"Stop being such a big baby." "I am not, being a baby. I just don't want my best friend to leave me." "Yea, yea." I placed my hand on top of his and sat in comfortable silence the rest of the way to his house.
When we got to Darren's house we both threw our bags on the floor, and raced up to his room to put on a movie.

"Whatcha wanna watch?" "Oooo! Let's watch the kissing booth!" I squealed at the top of my lungs, causing Dar to squint at me.

"Can you not break my eardrums, please? If you do that one more time, I swear you're going to deafen me." I playfully roll my eyes and lay down on his bed, waiting for him to put it on.

"Come and cuddle with me already. You're taking too long", I whine. He laughed at me, and jumped on top of me, leaving his body there to squish me.

He removed himself from me, taking a spot beside me, laying down.

A few minutes into the movie, I heard my phone going off. "Who's that?" Darren asked.

"Don't know. Maybe it's Sophia. She's been trying to talk to me all day." He shrugged his shoulders and continued with watching the movie.

I picked up my phone and saw that it was Nick that messaged me. "It was Nick?" "Your boyfriend I see." "No, not my boyfriend."

He laughed and continued to watch the movie. When I looked at the messages I was surprised at what I saw.

Nicholas 🥵😉
Hey Aliyah.

Nicholas 🥵😉
Um, I was just wondering y u were avoiding me all day?

Nicholas 🥵😉
Did I do something??

I smiled. "Look D", I said turning my phone to show him the messages. "Awe, your boyfriend wants to know why you're ignoring him."

I blushed and went to answer him.

Liyah 🥴🤤
Hey Nick

Liyah 🥴🤤
I don't know wut ur talking about

Liyah 🥴🤤
I haven't been avoiding u

Nicholas 🥵😉
Yes u have. The second u would see me u would run away

Liyah 🥴🤤
No. I haven't. Ur imagining that

Nicholas 🥵😉
It is cuz of Sophia??

Nicholas 🥵😉
Do u know that she's cheating on me??

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