chapter 1

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Umi's pov

As I was sleeping peacefully I felt myself get pushed a little as I heard my sister.

As I was sleeping peacefully I felt myself get pushed a little as I heard my sister

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Mavis: umi get up your first day of school is today.

Umi:*sleepy* nooooo~

Mavis: quit being so stubborn come on.

I then grab her in a hug and lay back down.

Mavis:hey let me go umi!

Umi: shh I'm tired and your really soft.

I then hugged her like a teddy bear.

Time skip as I slowly opened my eyes I saw mavis I got up quickly and she was smiling.

Mavis: what's wrong umi I thought you wanted to stay in bed.

Umi: why are you in my bed.

Mavis: you know when you get so sleepy you always hug me tight.

Umi:*light blush* n-no I don't I need to get ready for school go.

Mavis: oh come on now you a minute ago you wanted to cuddle.

Umi: will you just go away and let me change you uhh.

Mavis: you what what.

Umi: loli.

Mavis: oh so you wanna go there do you.

She then got up as I ran for the door I heard her run after me she was chasing me until I got back to my room I locked the door as I hear her banging on it.

Mavis: umi your going to get it when I get my hands on you.

Umi:love ya to sis.

I then got the uniform on that the academy gave me after I put it on I walked out of my room as quietly as possible as to not face a loli's wrath as I was about to get to the front door I saw the a angry Mavis pouting in front of the door to my freedom.

Mavis: *pouting*there you are.

Umi: you know I need to go to school I don't wanna be late on my first day.

Mavis: you and I both know that you hate school you ass!

Umi: yeah but if I go then I won't have to face your wrath.

Mavis:oh is that what you think.

I then got a shiver up my spine as I heard mizuko.

Mizuko:(be careful she been planning something.)

Umi:(you sure.)


Mavis:what are you 2 talking about.

Umi: nothing that concerns you.

She then gets out the way for me to go to school.

Mavis: now go have fun at school.

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