chapter 5

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As I had the last fallen angel by the neck it was their leader.

Fallen angel: w-what are you.

Umi: a king.

I then squeezed him until his head popped as blood splattered on me and the ground I saw a red magic circle appear as I see rias's peerage come out of it they look around horrified they then saw me.

Umi: hi.

Rias: please explain what the hell happened here.

Umi: well you see some fallen angels thought they'd make the park their new territory I'm pretty sure most of them was strays so I did you a liberty and took care of them.

Rias:*sigh* you know you look like you just murdered them with all that blood on you.

Umi: yep.

Issei: damn bro your hardcore.

Umi: I get that a lot.

Issei: hey since your the dragon king mind helping me out.

Umi: well that depends on rias here.

Rias: I don't mind just don't kill him.

Umi: oh don't worry about it when I'm through with him he'll wish he was dead.

Just then everyone sweat drops.

Umi: so draig how many boost's can issei do.

A green gem then appears on issei's left hand.

Draig: about 8.

Umi: hmm ok then I'm going to try to figure out the best plan for you but first imma head home.

Time skip as I was walking home I took a short cut in the woods I got lost so now I'm aimlessly walking around to figure out where I'm at I then hear bushes around me move.

Mizuko:(you feel that aura right.)

Umi:(yeah it's a vampire a really strong one.)

I then hear something Walk towards me I turned around to see.

I then hear something Walk towards me I turned around to see

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Umi:(another loli)

She eyes me down looking at me as if to see if I was a threat I realized this so I released a bit of my aura about 20 percent of it so she won't attack me her eyes widened as I believe she saw it.

???: My my your a strong one.

Umi: well that comes with being king.

???: King of what?

Umi: dragons.

???: wait so you have mizuko then.

I then summed my trident as her eye's widened.

Mizuko:hello Mina how have you've been.

Mina: mizuko it's been such a long time.

Mizuko: well 400 years if I'm right.

Mina: yeah.

Umi: you 2 know each other.

Mizuko: may I tell him.

Mina: go right ahead.

Mizuko: well Mina here is a the vampire princess or I should say was she is one of the last of her kind.

Mina: that's right oh but where are my manners what's your name.

Umi: my name's umi.

Mina: ah yes umi as in sea I can see why you chose him.

Mizuko: yes but you know that aura he let out was only around 20 percent of his true power.

Her eyes widened at that.

Mina: my my.

Mizuko: he'd be a great king.

Umi:*light blush* mizuko.

Mina: oh don't be so shy.

Mizuko: you know the current devil king gave umi here a evil piece set if you wanna join.

Mina: that actually sounds like itifht be fun I think I'll join.

Umi: wait r-really.

I asked I was surprised.

Mina: well I mean I've got nothing better to do and since you are a king.

I take out the box not sure which one to give her.

Mizuko: give her the rook she might be a princess but she backs a hell of a punch.

I do as he says.

Mizuko: now put it near her chest and say something.

I do as he said and I say.

Umi: I command you Mina to be my sword My shield and I your's I ask for your power I ask of you be part of my family serve me as I shall serve you I now make you a part of my family.

I then see the piece go in to her chest.

Mizuko: and there you go she is now your rook.

Mina: wow I already feel stronger so where are we staying at.

I then realized that we was staying in a 2 roomed house I was so fucking nervous I then see her spread her wings as she picked me up bridal style bad I told her where to go.

Time skip.

As we was outside the door I opened it as I saw a mad Mavis.

Mavis: umi where have you've been and who is this.

After explaining.

Mavis:*sigh* fine just don't get too frisky he's a cuddler just a warning.

Umi:*light blush* Mavis!

Mavis: hey don't blame me I'm just telling her the truth.

She then walked away I then took Mina to my room and told her I would sleep on the couch.

Mina: no there's enough room in the bed.

I reluctantly gave in I laid on my stomach and took out my phone and started to play I then get her lay on me I turned my head a bit to look at her.

Mina: hello.

Umi: hello you know you have half the bed right.

Mina: I know but you comfy.

She then started to nuzzle my neck.

Mina: mind tilting your head I wanna try your blood and before you freak out it's just I wanna see if what they say is true if we get a power boost from it.

Umi: will it hurt.

Mina: it really depends on the person.

Umi: a-alright but be gentle.

Mina: do worry.

She then tilted my head to the right as I felt her fangs go in me it felt so good.

Umi: nye~!

My mouth was opened wide from that as a bit of drool came out she then pulled back.

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