chapter 14

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I looked over at rias she was so surprised in riser.

Riser: I shall give you all a word of warning I once made umi here mad and he took me out in a single blow holding back if any of you think they could do better then I would go check you in to a hospital.

Sirzecks: yes I agree.

The party then continues.

Umi: sirzecks I have a question about the evil pieces.

Sirzecks: and what would that be.

Umi: do we live longer even tho we aren't devil's or are our life spans the same.

Sirzecks: it shall be that of a devil devil's live almost forever unless they get killed you here and your peerage will be the same.

Umi: ok you see my sister isn't apart of my peerage she doesn't want to I can't blame her but I want her to with me and I couldn't imagine life with out her if I outlived her then I don't know what I'd do could you please give me a Bishop piece I would be forever grateful.

He looks at me he was smiling he then hands me 2 Bishop pieces I took them and looked at him confused.

Sirzecks: your sister is one of the most powerful magic caster's that I've ever seen she's going to need to and there is no strings attached to these the rest of the evil piece set was destroyed I did that myself I thought you would ask so I prepared for it.

I looked at him smiling.

Umi: wait but who will say the stuff before the go in her.

Sirzecks: you say nothing.

Umi: ok.

Sirzecks then waves Mavis over she comes over to see me very happy sirzecks explained

Mavis: sigh I can't help but love you.

Umi: did you just say sigh.

Mavis: it's because I spend so much time with you.

I gave her the Bishop pieces as she puts them bear her chest they glow and go in to her chest.

Mavis: looks like your stuck with me.

Umi: yeah so you might be a tsundere loli but I love you.

I then hugged her as she rolls her eyes as she hugged back we then let go of each other.

Sirzecks: ok I'd like for you all to stay the night your house is having finishing touches done on it.

Umi: ok.

Time skip when the party almost over and almost everyone is gone except the Phoenix/gremory/sitri familys I saw that there was some punch left so I had a cup it tasted funny I didn't feel so good.

Sirzecks pov

I saw umi drinking the spiked punch I spiked it and well let's just say I'm happy.

Third person pov

Everyone had almost left except the few noble familys riser noticed umi not looking so good.

Riser: umi are you ok.

He had a hand on his shoulder as umi looked at him riser knew that look he then looked down at the cup in his hand.

Riser:(he's drunk) come on umi let's go sit down.

This caught everyone's attention as they saw him stubble around.


Mavis:*mad* ok who's the jackass that gave him alcohol.

Umi's pov

I saw a kitty and went to get grab it.

Third person pov

Umi: kitty~!

He then grabbed koneko she tried to get out of his grib but that didn't work he then started to pet her as her ears and tail came out as she started to purr.

Hakurou: my my if see's something cute he gets it huh.

Mina: it seems so.

Mavis: let go of koneko umi.

Umi: no my kitty.

Mavis: Satan help us.

Sirzecks: you called.

Everyone chuckles at that.

Sirzecks: ok everyone stand back this might get ugly.

Mavis and Mina put up a barrier as he get close to umi.

Sirzecks: let the kitty go.

Rias couldn't help but giggle at that.

Umi:*pouts* no.

Sirzecks:umi I'll use force if needed.

Umi then let's go of koneko as he stands up wobbly at first.

Umi:*slurry* I'd like to see you try.

Umi then raises his hands in the air as he summoned a hundred magic circles.

Riser: holy-



A few hit but he dodged most of them.


A blood red fire bolt came at umi as it consumed him when it went away every one saw he was sleeping peacefully as they sweet drop.

Mina: it seems he got so bored that he fell asleep.

Everyone snickered at that.

Time skip morning

Umi's pov

As I opened my eyes I saw I was in a bed I wasn't familer with I got up and saw I was in my clothes from last night I walked out to see kiba and issei.

Kiba: good morning sleeping beauty.

Issei: bro you got stuck last night.

Umi: oh so that's why every thing gets fuzzy after I drank that punch.

Kiba: do you remember anything from after you drank the punch

I thought about it I then said.

Umi: I remember a cute kitten that sirzecks tried to take.

Issei: well that kitten was koneko.

I blushed at this.

Kiba: come on sirzecks wants to see us.

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