chapter 15

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As we was going to see sirzecks as we went in to a living room of sorts I laid down on the couch cause my head started to hurt I then see a door open to see koneko I was going to say something but before I could she got on top of me and kissed my cheek and said.

Koneko:*light blush* your forgiven.

I looked away blushing I heard kiba laugh and issei do the same I actually excepted him to be mad but oh well.

Just then everyone else came in to the room.

Sirzecks: now before anything else I was the one who spiked the punch but how I suppose to know he'd drink it.

Mavis: you ass you know he would cause if something looks sweet then he trys it.

Sirzecks then put his hands up in defeat.

Umi: k-koneko can you please get off of me.

Koneko then started to grind a little on you.

Koneko: and why would I do that.

My friend that's down started to rise as koneko noticed.

Koneko:*light blush*someone hiding a snake.

I was a blushing mess as I hear

Mavis: oh my God koneko quit doing that with my brother.

Koneko: fine buzzkill.

She finally quit as the tent went down I sighed relieved.

Sirzecks: ok rias I believe you all are on break from school correct.

Rias: yes it is correct.

Sirzecks: ok good I'm going to take umi and his family here to his new house you all are welcomed to do whatever.

We then left through a magic circle as we come out of it all of our eyes widened at what we saw it wasn't a house it was a fucking castle.

We then left through a magic circle as we come out of it all of our eyes widened at what we saw it wasn't a house it was a fucking castle

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Sirzecks: I wanted to make it bigger but grafia wouldn't let me.

Umi: this ain't a house a this shits a fucking castle!

Sirzecks: yes this is a castle all of the stuff that I needed for it got here yesterday it was already done except for the stuff for the walls.

He then looked at me smirking I then realized something.

Umi: you didn't.

Sirzecks:*smirking* well I did ask.

Umi: oh you son of a bitch.

Mavis: I think we are missing context.

Mina: probably.

Hakurou: agreed.

Sirzecks: come I'll give you all a tour.

He had a fucking shit eating grin on his face he gave each one of us a key in to it and said that if I need more then to let him know as he opened the door I saw that it was okay just anime posters so far I'm fucking sweating we go in to the living room to see a pic of hentai on the wall the bad part I recognized it.

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