chapter 9

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Big time skip

I was going to the familer forest with rias's peerage as we entered I saw that Mina took off I took her advise.

Small time skip.

I was walking around until I found a cave as I got closer I felt as if I was being called in to it as I walk in to it I hear.

???: How dare you enter my cave!

I then see a ice blue dragon her aura was incredible I stood my ground and summoned my trident and my crown her eyes widened at this I never faced a actual dragon before.

Tiamat's pov.

I can't believe that he has mizuko.

Tiamat: human who are you.

Umi: I'm u-umi the sea dragon king.

He's nervous I then started to transform in to my human form.

He's nervous I then started to transform in to my human form

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Umi's pov.

As she transformed I looked away as she was showing a lot of cleavage.

Mizuko: you know you should quit teasing my host.

Tiamat: it's not my fault you have a cutie as a host he looks pretty feminine tho.

Mizuko: oh trust me he's definitely a guy.


She then gets closer to me as I desummoned my trident she lefts my head up by my chin I then feel my dragon eyes come out as my teeth sharpen.

Tiamat: oh my looks like your more dragon then human at this point.

I looked away.

Tiamat: well since you the Dragon king how about a queen as your familir I'll be around all the time tho.

I looked at her.

Umi: okay.

I then made a pact.

Umi: but your going to have to put more clothes on then that.

She then leans down making me blush more.

Tiamat: what's wrong umi like what you see.

I looked away.

Umi: we need to head back.

Small time skip

As I get back I see that Mina is back with a bat.

Mina: oh hey umi oh who's this.

Everyone looks at me but the guy that was here when we came in pales.

Tiamat: I am tiamat the chaos Dragon God but I'm now his familer.

Issei: well he is the king.

She then looks at issei.

Tiamat: hello draig.

Draig: hello tiamat.

Umi: hey rias can you tell your brother I need my house remodeled.

Rias: sure want me to have him move it to a field outside of town.

Umi: sounds good.

As we go back I saw mavis waiting impatiently as she sees tiamat she sighs.

Time skip after explaining.

Rias also we're going on a trip to train would you like to come.

Umi: I don't have anything else to do so sure.

Rias: ok we are leaving in the morning mind if we meet up at your house.

Umi: sure.

Time skip morning.

Rias's pov

As we got to umi's house his sister opened the door it was 5 in the morning we wanted to get going by 7 we knocked on the door as he's sister opened up the door she looks like she's been up.

Mavis: oh thank God or should u say Satan.

Rias: what's wrong.

Mavis: well I can't get umi up he's being extra grumpy today.

All the girls giggles at this myself included we then hear.


Mavis: shit hurry.

We all get up to his room to see a still asleep umi hugging Mina teddy bear style she then looks at us and says.

Mina: I've grown accustomed to this it's quite nice.

Issei: goes to yank the cover off him.

Mavis: I wouldn't.

Issei: it's ok he won't hurt me.

Mavis: don't say I didn't warn you.

Issei: yakes it off effectively wake up umi I see his dragon eyes so does issei.

Issei: shit.

Issei then proceeded to get bitched slapped through a wall.

Mavis: I warned you.

Umi's pov

I got woke up by issei yanking my cover off I hate that so I bitched slapped him.

Mavis:*baby voice* is the swepy baby awake.

Umi: fuck off.

I let go of Mina.

Mina: you know being a princess I didn't think I'd would be held teddy bear style.

Umi:*pouting* I can't help it your cute and soft like a teddy bear.

Mina:*light blush* my my you think I'm cute.

I then look away.

Umi:*light blush*of course a loli princess is always adorable I mean cute.

Koneko: it's getting steamy in here.

Umi: any way I'm going to start packing.

Time skip.

I snuck a bit of DVDs with me so I got something to do we was walking up a hill as I pass a complaining issei.

Issei: why don't you have to do this.

Umi: ask the Phoenix nobleman I knocked out.

Issei: touche.

Umi: but hey  if you actually wanna be harem king I'm going to tell you a secret.

Issei: you have my attention.

Umi: if you train enough  without complaining the girls will see your motivation and fall for you.

Issei then picks the pace.

Time skip when we get there.

As we get here I see it's a decent sized house I then had a brilliant thought.

Umi: hey tiamat fight me.

This caught her off guard.

Tiamat: are you sure.

Umi: yeah I've been getting rusty.

Tiamat:um ok.

We then get about 50 feet away from each other we then ran at each other.

Author: next time on dragonball Z

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