chapter 26

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She saw me and a small smile grew on her face.

???:you know this forest has a name do you know it?

Umi: no.

???: It's called the forest of fate it's called that cause whatever happens in this forest it is fate like a meeting of 2 people for example.

She then puts her hand out for me to shake I walk over and take it shaking her hand.

Umi: my name's umi.

???:my name is leen.

Umi: I like your wings.

Leen: oh why thank you tell me your not fully human are you.

Umi: what gave me away.

Leen: just a feeling.

Umi: well I'm not fully human no in fact I'm not even half human anymore I'm around 70% Dragon now.

I then have my dragon eyes out as my teeth sharpen to a point as I saw her eyes widened and her smile got a bit bigger.

Leen:I see so why are you here.

Umi: I got bored and a friend of sorts told me about this place.

Leen: I see.

Umi: so why did you come here.

Leen: well it may sound silly but I felt as if this place called to me in a dream.

Umi: cool.

Leen: indeed it's quite nice here wouldn't you agree.

Umi: yes.

Leen: just outta curiosity how strong are you.

Umi: well let me think I believe mizuko said that I could take on 3 dragon kings sirzecks and serafall without much difficult.

Her eye's widened again.

Leen: mizuko as in the sea dragon king.

Umi: yes you see he's my sacred gear.

I then summoned my trident as I do her look as if they'd pop out of there sockets if she widened them any more she then composed herself and then asked.

Leen: tell I have heard rumors that the weilder of the sea king is now allied with devil's.

I hold up the ring and say.

Umi: this ring is the symbol of our alliance yes I am why.

Leen: well you see I'm a fairy and I'm very good with magic I also heard a rumour that you have a peerage of your own is that right.

Umi: yes it's true.

Leen: would you mind if I become a part of your peerage.

Umi: I don't see why not.

Leen: ok great.

Umi: also is magic all your good at or what.

Leen: my speed is pretty good but that's it sorry.

Umi: it's ok I've been needing a Bishop.

Leen: correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the bishop the piece that supports the other pieces and is very good at magic.

Umi: yes it looks like your well informed.

Leen: I love learning new things I might not look it but I'm over 700 years old and my thrist for knowledge has yet to be satisfied.

Umi:I can understand that I think I'm a little like that myself in some ways.

Leen: care to explain.

We then started to walk to the edge of the forest.

Umi: well I mean I love fighting it's like I can't control it sometimes i can satisfy it through training but the thing is this I know that there are strong people out there Technics and magic I haven't even heard of and honestly I hate that one of my goals is to fight every strong person in this universe I know I sound stupid but it doesn't stop there I want to learn all magic before my time on this earth is through crazy huh.

Leen: not at all I think that it's a good goal to have like mine you want to know things different things but we still can help each other.

Umi: yes I'll be in a meeting on Friday with the leaders of the 3 factions and I bet they'd be glad to help you with you thirst for knowledge.

Leen: oh I can hardly wait.

Umi: well we are almost at the edge of the forest can you use those wings of yours.

Leen: well about that I haven't really use them much so I can only float a little.

Umi: ok mind working on that.

Leen: ok.

Umi: ok then I'll take us home then is it ok if I pick you up.

Leen: sure.

As I picked her up I saw she had a bit of a red face I picked her up bridal style as I started to run faster and faster than I started to jump up gaining more distance then before.

Leen: holy-

I then used my strength to it's fullest and we was above the clouds as I hear leen tell as we started to fay.


As we landed near my house I made a crater I was on one knee as I stood up I then said.

Umi: such fowl language from a pretty lady.

She then blushed.

Leen: well get used to it.

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