chapter 7

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Time skip.

Umi's pov

Sona: so umi is like it if you could come by the student council room later is that ok.

Umi: sure.

Time skip I was in my last class as I felt a very familiar aura I looked at my sister she smiled evilly at me and mouths the words pay back at me I then see the door open to see Mina in a school uniform.

Mina: hi I'm a new student.

Mavis: ok introduce yourself.

Mina: hi I'm Mina and before anyone trys to ask me out I've promised my self to my love my king umi aizawa.

she says this as she looks at smiling just then the whole class looks at me I open the window up.

Umi: fuck this bullshit I'm out!

Before my sister could get me this time I jumped out the window and yelled in mid-air.


I then stuck then landing as I look up at the staring class.


I then proceeded to run off.

Time skip

As I was wondering I heard from behind me.

Saji: oh so it was you who jumped out a window.

I turned to see saji.

Umi: sup.

Saji: shouldn't you be like in pain from that.

Umi: I'm not sure should I.

Saji: ok enough of that what I really wanna know is did you really yell yeet when you did.

Umi: yep.

Saji: ok that's it pound it your off the hook well from me any way.

We fist bump.

Just then I see his hand twich.

Mizuko:(he's the welder of vritra the prison dragon.)

Umi: (thanks)

Saji's pov

Saji:(the hell vritra why am I shaking.)

Vritra:(I'll explain later for now don't make him mad.)

Umi's pov

Saji: well come on sona wants to see you.

Umi: ok.

Time skip.

As we walked in to the student council room I saw sona sitting on her desk holding up her head with her arms.

Sona: oh hello there umi I've called you here cause well.

I sat down.

Umi: how about we cut the small talk and talk from one king to another.

Her eye's widened as her peerage got in to fighting positions.

Umi: calm down I won't hurt you all besides I'd like to be friends with you.

Sona: are you a devil.

Umi: nope pure blooded human.

I then spot a chess board.

Umi: you play.

Sona: yes.

Umi: wanna play a game while we talk.

Sona: I don't see why not.

Small time skip.

Sona: so you know we're all devil's and rias already knows and not only you know sirzecks but he gave you an evil piece set of your own.

Umi: yep oh by the way checkmate.

She looks down shocked she looks at her queen which nods.

Sona: t-this is the first time I lost a game.

Umi: well I'd be happy to play again.

Just then I heard the door get slammed opened I turned to see a very pissed Mavis and an amused looking Mina.

Mavis:*mad* umi why the hell did you jump out the fucking window.

To say sona was surprised was an understatement.

Umi: oh I don't know miss loli I just felt like it.

Mavis:*mad* umi I'm your sister and you teacher show me some respect.

Umi: I will when you show your taller.

She then released her aura which was big but I'm still stronger but she's still pretty intimidating.

Umi:*nervous*I'm not s-scared.

I then released a bit of mine neither of us giving in.

Mavis: *sigh* fine but just wait til I get you home.

She then walked out mad.

Sona: shit.

Umi: by the way vritra mizuko says hi.

This then shocks everyone.

I then leave.

Sona's pov

Sona: who was that vritra.

Vritra: it's him the the king of all dragons sea dragon king mizuko this is his host and that aura we felt he was holding quite a bit bay.

Umi's pov.

As I slowly opened the door to the house I found Mavis I know I was in the wrong.

Umi: I'm sorry m-mavis.

I didn't look at her I heard her walk to me the next thing she does surprised me as she hug's me.

Mavis: it's ok I forgive you.

Umi: r-really.

Mavis: yes.

She then looked up at me surprised that I was starting to cry.

Mavis: wait did you think I wouldn't.

I then hugged her tighter.

Mizuko: he was so freaking worried thinking you'd leave him.

This shocked Mavis as she hugged me tighter.

Big time skip.

As I was walking to the orc with my sister and mina.

Mina: so why are we going here again.

Umi: not sure.

As we open the door and take a seat.

Rias: good your hear.

Umi: so why are we here.

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