chapter 21

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Time skip

I get home I got through out the house to find Mavis when I do I saw the Irina and xenovia was with her.

Umi: Mavis.

She heard my tone and looked worried.

Mavis: yes what is it.

Umi: you know who killed our parents don't you.

She paled a little.

Mavis: y-yes I do.

Umi: tell me.

Mavis: o-ok it was a fallen angel.

Umi: tell me did he have red eyes and 10 wing's.

Mavis: yes I dont k ow his name.

Xenovia: I'm sorry but you just described the one we was here to kill.

I looked at her my fangs coming out and my eyes turning to my dragons they both noticed this as they paled.

Irina: we didn't know he was the one who that we swear if we did we would of told you.

I knew she was telling the truth the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes.

Umi: tell. me. everything.

My voice was turning deeper xenovia somewheat composed herself as she says.

Xenovia: I'm a-afraid we can't do t-that it's secret.

I then rushed her grabbing her by the neck holding her up all of my aura was on display I released all of it everyone was on the ground.

Umi: tell me everything you know or I will Cleve the heavens of any and all angles and that includes Michael him self this a threat I promise you that if you tell me everything you know then the heavens stay in tact and hell I'll even let you keep the head to take to Michael.

Irina: I'll t-tell.

I put my aura away as I put xenovia down as she's on her knees I then looked at Irina.

Time skip after she explained.

Irina: we don't know where he's hiding out at I'm sorry.

I then started to walk out as I hear.

Mavis: umi don't let your rage control you.

I looked at her.

Umi:To late for that.

I then ran out before she could say anything else.

Mavis's pov

Mavis: umi!

Just then his peerage came in ready for a fight.

Edelgard: what the hell was that.

Mavis: that was umi.

Tiamat: where is going.

Mavis: h-he's going after the one who killed our parents.

Hakurou: what's his name.

Irina: kokabiel.

Mina: we have to find him.

Mavis: his rage has taken over we can't stop him.

Just then we see 2 Red magic circles and one 2 blue ones we then see rias and her peerage and sona and her peerage both there parents and serafall.

Sirzecks: what's wrong why did we all just feel umi's aura.

They then noticed the church people.

Mavis: he's going after the one who killed our parents he's going in peer rage we can't stop him.

I started to tear up I want revenge to but I don't want my little brother to lose it while doing it.

Sirzecks: I don't believe he'd destroy the city no matter how mad he is why don't we relax.

Just then we see a orange magic circle appear and out popped riser.

Riser: sorry for barging in but I just came to see what was wrong.

Sirzecks: riser good we gonna need all the help we can get we have a dragon problem.

Riser: you mean umi right.

Sirzecks: yes he's in a blind rage and he's blood thirsty for kokabiel.

Riser: but why kokabiel.

After explaining.

Rias's pov

Risers hands tighted in to a fist he really did change but we need to find umi.

Rias: ok now we need to find umi me and sona's peerage will go to the school and park you all search the city if any of you spot him send up some magic don't engage him he's literally a walking weapon.

Time skip.

Sirzecks pov.

We was going through the city I was hoping I would find him cause I know serafall hasn't technically met him and knowing her she would try to fight him I think I could talk him out of this blood thirsty rage but his sister is probably the best bet.

Sona's pov

Fuck fuck fuck I put up a barrier along with my peerage rias and her peerage was fighting kokabiel I then called sirzecks.

Sirzecks: what is it.

Sona: rias is fighting kokabiel.

Sirzecks: what!

Sona:we are at the school he's starting to release his aura umi well be here soon when it reaches him do you want me to let the barrier down so umi can feel it or do you want me to delay it.

Sirzecks: delay it I'm on my way.

Small time skip.

Umi's pov

I was on top of a building I then started to feel the same aura as kokabiel's but I can't pin point it I focused I then felt it.

Umi: the school!

I then jumped from building roof to roof faster and faster I saw riser on the way he tried to say something I just took off as I do the same with my peerage and sirzecks and grafia and my sister along with the sitris when I got there I saw a blue barrier with sona keeping it up I jumped up and punched a hole in and went through I ran through the court yard as I see him.

Kokabiel: sea king what are you doing here!

He looks mad I looked at him and turned off my dragon eye's as I see my friends hurt beaten I looked at him.

Umi: 7 years ago on a night like this you killed 3 people a man a woman and a child do you remember.

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