chapter 8

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I then see a magic circle appear and I see.

I then see a magic circle appear and I see

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???: And riser has arrived.

I'm guessing he's the reason.

Riser:aw hello there rias.

Rias: hello riser.

Riser: such a cold tone.

He then see's me and looks at all her peerage.

Riser: correct riser if he's wrong but this 3 on the couch aren't devil's are they.

Umi: no we're not I'm umi this is my sister Mavis and this is my rook Mina.

Riser: your only human why is such a pathetic creature here among devil's.

Umi: I'm here cause fuck you that's why.

Riser: how dare you!

Grafia: enough.

Small time skip.

As I was listening in on them I kept seeing riser looking at my sister and mina it was starting to piss me off and my aura was starting to come out.

Umi: riser was it either quit looking at my family like that or I'm going to kill you.

Riser: how dare you filthy human speak to a Phoenix nobleman like that you should be happy that I even glace at these pigs!

And that's what set me off o rushed at riser my full aura released everyone Even my family can't stand up all of them was on the ground under the pressure of it I my eyes turned in to dragon slits my teeth grew sharper.

This is what my dragon eyes looked like

I grabbed riser by the neck he's trying to get out of my grip

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I grabbed riser by the neck he's trying to get out of my grip.

Umi:I'm only going to say this once don't fuck with me or my family or you will face the wrath of the sea dragon king.

I then throw him in to a wall knocking him out I calmed down as I put my aura away as everyone stood up.

Rias: I except the rating game.

Grafia: I'll t-tell your brother.

She then left.

I looked down and ran out the room.

Mina: umi!

She runs after me.

Rias's pov

Mavis: he might be the king of all dragons but he's still just a child I'm sorry about that our parents was killed right in front of him I'm all he has left and Mina she just showed up but he already thinks of her as part of the family the same could be said about all of you.

This shocked everyone myself included.

Mavis: you see when he first discovered that his sacred gear he couldn't control it he lost control and we'll he almost hurt me ever since then he trys to be funny but he's still hurting inside just please don't let hurt him.

She then left.

I then see draigs gem.

Draig: such a young boy and such a troubled one at that.

I noticed that issei was crying as was Asia and kiba.

Issei:*crying* draig.

Draig: yes partner.

Issei: *crying*I'm going to get stronger so he won't worry I'll become strong enough so I can he won't ever have to worry.

Rias:issei why are you so emotional.

Draig:that would be my fault since he's part dragon now he can feel the emotion of other dragons.

Issei: fuck that this me and only me I'm going to get stronger for everyone here umi included even if it kills me I'll protect everyone!

I couldn't help but smile at that but one thing is for sure is that if so e ever hurt umi I'll kill them.

Umi's pov

I ran in my room as I fall on my bad and cover up I hear the door open and I felt Mina start to hug me.

Mina: it's not your fault.

I didn't say anything as she hugged me tighter she got under the covers with me as I cuddled in to her as she takes my head and puts it on her non-existent cleavage as she stroked my hair I could hear her start to hum it was calming I soon feel asleep.

Mina's pov

As he falls asleep I hear.

Mavis: I guess I should tell you to.

She tells her what she told the orc by the end of it I was crying.

Mina: he's been though so much.

Mavis: he has.

Mina: I won't let anyone ever hurt him again.

Mavis: thank you.

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