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I saw my mother at the very end of the ballroom talking to some guests so I went over to her

"Took you long enough" she whispered in my ear while forcing out a smile.

"This is my daughter Alisson" she said to them. With a huge smile and it looked like she was genuinely happy

"Hello...." I waited for them to tell me their names

"Oh where are my manners I'm Lisa and this is my son Michael" the woman said to me. While she spoke I used it as an opportunity to study her features. She had strong and high cheekbones her facial features were pronounced and even more accentuated with the makeup she had on and overall she looked beautiful

"Hello Lisa and Michael it's my pleasure to meet you" I said to the both of them.

"Pleasure to meet you too" they replied while shaking my hand.

"Does anyone want a drink" I asked needing to leave the intense gaze of Michael

"I do"

"Me too" my mother followed after.

"Okay" I replied as I turned backing them before I strode over to the bar.

"What can I get you beautiful lady today" the bartender asked me

"Shit"was the only thing I seemed to be able to reply

"Um.. are you okay" the server asked me as I waved him off while reassuring myself rather than him that I was okay as I walked back feeling so stupid as I forgot to ask them what they wanted.

"I always knew you were stupid just not this stupid" my wolf said to me. I just scoffed at her while blocking the link

As I got to where they were I let out a nervous laugh before speaking

"Umm I forgot to ask what you wanted" I said with a shaky breath. From the corner of my eye I saw him smirk at me and I just pretended like I didn't see it

"Well I would take Champaign" Lisa responded

"And I'll have wine" my mother replied as I walked back to the bar once again.

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