introduction to the parents

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The party had ended and my parents had returned from their trip.

Aiden had gone back home to get his things as I refused for him to continue staying there.

I decided to introduce him to my parents during dinner tonight. The dinner preparations were going well but there was something I had to do.

"Mom, Dad please I need to talk to you. I may have found someone that I love and I need you to be supportive of I and him.

"Oh okay honey"my mother said while looking at my dad.

"No matter who he is"I say looking at them.

"We promise"they said at the same time.

"Ok" I said still not believing them we all walked into the kitchens setting up the plates while I waited for him to come, I was nervous yet excited to see him. My mate, it felt so good to say that. I had been away from him way too long now and my body had began to crave his touch.

After years of waiting I finally heard the doorbell ring. I rushed to the door and opened it as fast as possible engulfing him in a hug as soon as he came into view. He hugged me back and we stayed like that that for a while

"Unum mmm" I heard someone cough behind me and from the voice I could tell it was my dad.

We quickly let goof each other before we stared heading to the kitchen "I'm so nervous" I heard him whisper. I only gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and then going ahead to tell him that it'll be fine we get seated and start eating while ignoring the questioning gaze of parents. The dinner was going fine until my dad said the most absurd thing.

"What the hell is this thing" .

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