chapter 20

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It has been five years since we ran away. Aiden and I have been growing stronger and I couldn't help but smile as I stretched in the hot tub. Yes bathtub, I know you are wondering how does a cave have a hot tub? Well before the kids came Aiden had made sure he single handedly renovated the cave

 Yes bathtub, I know you are wondering how does a cave have a hot tub? Well before the kids came Aiden had made sure he single handedly renovated the cave

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The family pool

The hot tub that she is currently in

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The hot tub that she is currently in

The hot tub that she is currently in

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The kids pool

The kids pool

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Our bedroom

The living room/dining(A/N sorry I couldn't find a picture for the children's room)

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The living room/dining
(A/N sorry I couldn't find a picture for the children's room)

"Mummy silver is chasing me again" star said running into the room

"Silver stop chasing your sister"I said while smiling

"Yes tell him mummy"star said happy that I had backed her up

"But it's not fair she hit me first" he said with a pout

"Star did you hit him" I asked

"Yes But only because he said I was ugly" she said starting to pout now too

"Did you say she was ugly" I asked. I knew I should probably end the matter but their pouty faces were so cute so I couldn't help but to extend it a little bit more.

"Ok both of you appologize to each other" I said deciding to end it

"I'm sorry silver" star said apologizing first

"And you too silver" I said urging him to do the same

"Alright alright I'm sorry" he said looking at star

"I told you not to disturb your mother didn't I" Aiden said looking at them sternly

"But but silver was chasing me" star said looking like she was about to cry

"Only because you hit me" he said getting defensive

"But only because you said I was ugly" she said starting to cry

"Star don't you dare cry" Aiden and I said at the same time. I will never understand why star cried for the most irrelevant reasons but it annoyed me to no end

"I'm sowy mummy" she said still sniffling

"I'm sowy I just can't help it mummy" she said and I couldn't help but pardon her

"Its okay star just go and rest" I said sighing

Once they ran away Aiden took offgis shirt and came into the hot tub with me.

"How's the baby doing" he said resting a hand in my tummy

"She's doing good" I said trying to get comfortable

"And how do you know it's going to be a girl"he asked looking amusef

"Lucky guess" I said shrugging

"Well it's time to get out so I can prepare lunch for the twins

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