chapter 18

83 11 17

Alisson's pov

I woke up in a small cave where I was laid on an animal skin rug. I looked up to see aiden already looking at me. I decided to be the one to break the silence instead.

"This rug is pretty, where did you get it"

"From a deer, it's actual animal skin not those junk you but from the store"

"Ewwwwww ewww eewww ew ew ew ew ewee" I said jumping off of the rug and dusting myself while checking if I contacted any fleas

"Why the hell would you do that" I said still checking my body.

"Because it was soft would you rather I put you on the cold hard floor" he said never taking eyes of the broth he was boiling let alone spare me a glance

"Geez no need to be rude" I said wondering why he was so cranky

"Maybe because you tried to reject him" my wolf said matter-of-factly in my head.

"You I'm sorry about what I did" I said sincerely to which he grunted.

"You can appologize but you can't take away the feeling you gave me, the feeling of hatred, self loathe, the feeling of not being wanted, the feeling of never being good enough" onece he finished he was panting and I knew that wasn't all there was a deeper meaning to it but that didn't mean what he is doing to me is fair either.

"So what? I made a mistake and I deeply regret it, I didn't even finish the sentence, heck I barely even started but you still hold it against me even till this moment. But I don't blame you I blame myself, everyone that wronged you never apologized yet you treat them like they are gods, you strive to please them, you do everything in their favour yet they spit at you and call you names. I'm here proclaiming my undying love for you yet you hold a grudge against me, I've wronged you once yet you've vowed never to forgive me despite my ceaseless appology, my want to make it right, my want to make you feel good, or would you rather I spit at you too?
Call you names before you will finally forgive me? Before you will overlook my shortcomings? Before you will finally love me? I'm the only one that will ever love you and this is how you treat me? I'm the only one who will ever cherish you but still in the only one who you'll never treat with love? The only one who you'll never forgive, but yet i'm the only one who is truly deserving" by this point I was full on crying, I knew I had probably taken it too far but at this point I didn't care

"You make me feel like this and then you dare complain about the way I make you feel. Because of a mistake, a mistake? Meaning it was not not surposed to happen yet you purposely make me feel this way because the people in your life treated you like shit.  Is that the reason I should pay for their sins? Well I'll have you know I'm no Jesus Christ and if that's what you expect from me then maybe it was not a mistake? And if you are going to treat me like this for every mistake I make then maybe I don't regret it" the last time I said I had probably taken it too far but this time I had definitely taken it too far,
crossed the line and even walked an extra mile after and from the reaction on his face I knew I most definitely had.

The tears that were threatening to spill were now freely flowing down his face and my wolf urged to make him feel better but I stood my ground so as to deeply make my point but at this point there was no point to be made I had broken him(a/N wow! A lot of point was used here, the pointing pointer pointed pointless points. I'm sorry back to the story)
And my point was now defeated (a/n This is my last point)

Aidens pov

I was mad furious even but it was not at her it was at myself I had treated her like garbage all because of one mistake yet I forgave the ones who pursosely made me feel bad over and over again and they didn't even ask for forgiveness but the one who had begged for it was the one I refused to give and now she didn't want it any more this made me burst out crying.

I fell to my knees while holding my chest as I gradually crawled to her. I looked up to see her already walking towards me. She sat down on the floor and I rested my head on her lap.  this wasn't to show my forgiveness but because I wasn't sure I could hold my head up any longer so I let it drop in her lap, I didn't hold back the tingles any more instead I let them flow through my face.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry " I repeated over and over again
"I'm sorry please forgive me"

"What if I don't, what if I do to you what you did to me, make you feel the way I did" she said to me making my heart clench

"No! No, please no"

"Its okay, I wouldn't, I love you too much to do that as I will be hurting myself" she said and as I looked in her eyes I knew she was not lying so I just nuzzled my face in to her lap sending more tingles into my face while she just giggled and ran her hand through my hair

Alisson's pov

Wow! Was that all I needed for him to forgive me. I was overjoyed I finally had him back I felt so complete with his head on my lap and feeling him nuzzle into lap made so happy I let out an excited squeal.

"Now all we have to do is wait for them to find us"

"Then we'll make this our castle and we could be the king and queen and our kids will be Prince and princesses" I said knowing I'll be happy as long as I was with him.

He turned and smiled at me so I raised his head and slowly brought my lips to his (a/n I am 14 and do not know how to write a smut scene so just imagine one instead and besides aiden is quite shy so keep that in mind)

After our amazing session aiden had made given me some of the broth he made earlier and I couldn't be more content


This was my longest chapter yet 1152 words !!!! I'm so excited anyways in this chapter aiden cooked for them and I just wanted to let know that this is not one of the stories where the girl cannot cook allisson is a wonderful cook. Her character is based off me, she basically does what I would do, say or what I would have said or done if I were in that situation. The same goes for cooking; I am a very good cook and so is Allison. In Nigeria (Yes I'm a Nigerian hate me if you want but that's who I am and I cannot change it). We (the girls) are taught how to cook from a very young age ( for societal values and not whatever You are thinking) so at 14 I'm a great cook and although Allison is way older she is too. So not because I made Aiden cook means she cannot I only made it that way because she passed out.
Anyways with that out of the way don't forget to vote and comment let me know what you think. Well 1336 words now


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