chapter 17

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We had been walking for five hours, I still don't know where we were headed by I continued going. Often at times he would sniff the air and turn left some times turn right. Some turns were graceful while other were sharp and abrupt which would cause me to run into his back sending tingles everywhere. We had walked for an extra one hour and my legs were giving up on me

No reply

No reply. I decided to ask my wolf to contact his but still no reply. My legs finally gave up ungracefully under me allowing me to fall with a loud thud. Aiden looked at me and scooped me up not before letting out a loud hiss letting me know i was a burden so I pushed his chest letting him know i wanted to be put down . I soon have up as I succumbed to the darkness as it caressed my face.

☆☆☆☆☆THE END☆☆☆☆☆

Did yall really fall for that
Anyways back to the story

Aiden's pov

We had been walking for hours now and all she was bump into me it was pissing the hell out of me, I don't know weather she meant it for me to realize I loved her because it certainly didn't it just made me want to get rid of her but then I realized that I'm only here because I have her a chance so I'm going to suck it up. Now i carried her limp body in my hands and this journey just got a whole lot longer. After a while we got to a cave I had hidden food,clothes and everything i needed basically to survive. I had this because when the pack first found out I was an omga and was taken to the shelter for omegas and sure it sounds like a good thing a place for all omegas to be together but it's not it's just a place to pry on our weakness. We were given basic amenities based on how rich your parents were. My parents who were still busy tying to feed themselves couldn't pay for me. Why take us away from our families to a shelter if we were still made to pay you ask? Because they couldn't stand us associating with the rest of the society that's why. They treated us like we were a burden and here my own mate was treating me the same way too it just made me furious but there was nothing I could do about it. So I  decided to run away and become a nomadic Wolf that night I was invited to the ball. I laid her body down on a cushion as I waited for her to wake up. After waiting for a few minutes I decided it would be nice if there was good when she woke up so I got up and prepared a broth

I wanted to give you guys a sneak peak into aidens life and why he can't forgive her just yet as a lot of you were leaving comments saying he should. The comments were much appreciated.
Anyway don't forget to vote and comment as I would love to hear your thoughts.

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