chapter 14(moon goddess)

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"Aiden I'm reje"I was caught off by a loud thunder followed by lightning and the most beautiful woman stood infront of me
**end of recap**

"Alisson why have you chosen to reject the mate I have given you" the moon goddess said to me. Authority and eloquence flowing through her speech.
I looked towards Aiden and I saw him with his head bowed and his hand clutching his chest like he had just been stabbed and was in great pain. I reached out to touch him but he flinched away from my touch and it broke me to see him so hurt

"Answer me child" the moon goddess shouted at me with authority. I trembled while bowing my head down but was still unable to answer as my heart ached knowing I was going to reject my true mate and mate someone else all because I was to cowardly to speak up to my parents

"Is it because your parents forced you to" the moon goddess asked and I meekly nodded my head while stealing glances at a still hurt aiden my heart clenched at the sight of him but I knew better than to touch him

"Don't worry my children I have created a way for you to escape, and your parents will find you in a few days as something terrible shall happen to them"

Sorry cliff hanger again
I'm on a roll
Anyways don't forget to vote and comment let me know what you think.
And if you need to talk to me privately I give you permission to message on wattpad here or on instagram at praise.ia saying you're from wattpad and I'll reply


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