this thing

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"What the hell is this thing"
¤¤¤¤¤¤end of recap¤¤¤¤¤¤

"This thing is my mate" I replied matter of factly while staring at my father in the face waiting for him to say some thing else.

My mother only squealed in excitement while my dad and I had a stare off  I was not going back down and neither was he . We continued to stare at each other for what seemed to be like hours, none of us giving up and none of us looking awa....

"I..uh" I heard my mate whisper. I quickly divert my attention to him while my eyes quickly roamed over his body to make sure he was okay

Seeing no signs of hurt I ask him"are you okay" "Yes I'm fine but I dont think your dad likes me I heard him say in that same whisper.

"Oh honey don't bother about him I'm sure he'll come around soon" my mom said in the most reassuring voice.

"In the mean time take him up to your room while I speak to your dad" my mom said to me.

"Okay" I replied linking his hand with mine while intertwining our fingers as I lead him to my room.

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