chapter 12

104 11 6

Disclaimer : please get a tissue beside you. I've said all I can don't say I didn't warn you

*we are having visitors over dress well and don't embarass me*

The note said.

I looked at it in shock not knowing what to do. I knew there had to be a catch for her inviting me to dinner. That sneaky little.....ugh.

I brush my teeth and hop into the shower when I'm done I put on a beautiful dress that says I'm totally ready but just woke up, you know, that kind of thing

I brush my teeth and hop into the shower when I'm done I put on a beautiful dress that says I'm totally ready but just woke up, you know, that kind of thing

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I had my hair in a top bun as it was my favourite way to style my long straight hair . After which I put on make-up I wouldn't say it was light because it was by no means light but it wasnt too heavy either.

As I walked downstairs I could hear my parents talking with the said visitors as I came closer. I tried to eavesdrop as I slowly walked to dining room. I couldn't make anything out of their muffled voices so I just gave up and walked into the dining room where I saw my parents seated opposite what seemed to be a boy my age seated next to a man and a woman I would guess as his parents. I walked into the dining room and made my presence known by walking and standing behind the chair that was beside my mother.

"Oh honey these are James, Sarah and Michael" my mother said as she pointed the man, woman and their son.

"Hello it's nice to meet you" I said to all if them before pulling out a seat and seating down i could tell they were wolves and by the smell that came off of them they were'nt from this pack or any one near here i could also tell they were very high ranking wolves by the power that radiated off them. I sat down and waited for my parents to say something or for any of them to start up a conversation but no one spoke. I was about to start talking when my father spoke up .

"Alisson honey we have spoken to the foster's and you will be mating to their son this summer" my dad said with a very serious face.

"But I already have a mate" I said mustering up courage to speak up to my parents

"That's why you will be rejecting him" he continued looking just as serious.

"I will not reject Aiden" I said tears forming in my eyes knowing that my dad had won this arguments infact there was no argument I was just delaying what would inevitably happen.

"Yes you will, he will give you week pups and I cannot allow that" he said as he had started becoming agitated.

"Mom and you agreed to this" I said looking at my mom in disbelief as she lowers head refusin to meet my gaze.

"Yes she did and you will be moving in with them to complete the binding process"

"Yes father" I said tears now freely flowing down my face as I ran up to my cry and eventually start packing

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