capital letter

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Alisson pov

I heard Samantha squealing behind me but the only thing I could focus on was the sight of my mate in front of me as I slowly walked to him and it  was at that time that I realized that he was walking towards me too.

He was wearing a black and yellowish grey suit and the only thing I seemed to be able to doo was admire his handsome face. He had nicely sculptured cheek bones and his jaw line was chiseled for the gods and an overall beauty. His striking green eyes that I hadn't failed to notice had captures my own brown eyes and the only thing I couldn't do was look away from them.

I didn't even notice I had reached him until his arm wrapped around my waist. The mere contact ignited fires on my skin and butterflies in my tummy. I immediately found the undying urge to kiss him and so I did and he responded quickly by tightening the hand around my waist and putting the other around my neck stopping me from pulling away which was in my favour because I didn't want to.

After a few seconds we had to pull away. Gasping for my breath I didn't let go and neither did he.

I quickly mind linked Samantha to tell her to end the party and when I saw the guests leaving I knew she bad done it.

"I love him oh I love him I love him a soooo much" my wolf screamed in the back of my head

"Do you really love him " I asked back

"Yes....yes I do with a capital letter L"


Double update yayyyyyyy

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