chapter 13

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I stood at the door unshed tears brimming my eyes as I knocked on the door of the shelter that all the omegas were forced to live in.

"Who is there" said an unknown voice

"Alisson" I replied my voice breaking at the end.

"Oh luna what are you doing here" said a middle aged woman as she opened the door.

"I'm here to see Aiden" I said and the tears threatened to spill, thankful that she didnt say anything about it.

"What do you want with the mutt" she asked me bitterly.

"I want to see him and the reason behind my visit is not at all your business. I wanted to say that he is my mate but refrained from saying so as he wouldn't be for much longer.

"Ok then I'll take you to him, follow me"

We walked pass many corridors with doors at either sides. Eich door had o number on it starting from one. We continued to walk down the further. The more we went the more the paint began to deplete until we reached a section and there was no more paint we went further and the walls began to crack. And even further it has began to get water logged, there was water dripping from the celeing but we carried on.
By now the wooden doors were rottening and the numbers on them had fallen off yet we continued to go further, how far was room? I was having to get anxious of I didn't see him soon I wouldn't have enough courage to tell him. Now the walls were green, some of the rooms didn't have doors and a bad odur overtook the air. I soon began to notice something it was a rat and from one rat to two then three soon four and by the time we reached his room I had seen eleven rats.

"Aiden there is someone here to see you" the woman said before she began to walk away.
Immediately he saw me a wide smile reached up his face and it broke my heart even more knowing the reason why I was here. He lived in this slum yet he was happy to see me while I was going to reject him all because my daddy said so.

"Hey it stinks in here why don't we go  somewhere else" I said to him tears brimming my eyes once more

"Hey why are you crying" he said to me softly

"I'll tell you when we get there" I said sadly. We continued going back the way I had come here. The rest of the walk had gone by in silence. Then he slipped his hand into mine causing me to breakdown crying.

"Hey it's okay" he said hugging me. And I squeezed him wanting to enjoy the tingles that spread up my arms and stomach knowing this was going to be the last time I'll ever big him

"I l-love yo-u, you k-know-w t-that right" I said still sobbing
We walked out of the shelter and I held his hand

"I want you to know I love you no matter what happens tonight. I love you and nothing will change that" I said finally regulating my speech.

"I will always love you even if I mate someone else" I said again

"You're starting to scare me" he said looking in my eyes

"Aiden I'm reje" I was cut off by a loud thunder followed by a flash of lightning and the most beautiful woman I had ever seen stood before me


Yup a cliff hanger. Don't murder me guys I'll update as soon as possible bye for now my potatoes
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