chapter 19

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We had been here for a few days now and I had already started feeling antsy though I would never let Aiden know. What if they never found us? What would we do then. Would we continue living here?

"Penny for your thoughts" Aiden said while smiling at me immediately I saw him a wide smile graced my lips

"Hey Aiden I would like to tell you something" I said becoming serious

"Shoot" he said looking at me seriously

"I'm pregnant" I said with a deadpan face

"What" he said looking a bit taken aback

"I said I'm pregnant" I said my voice shaking

"Are you joking or something"

"No ofcourse not" I said sounding a bit offended at his accusation

"Really" was the only thing he said before a huge grin spread out across his face and he enveloped me in a huge hug and at that moment I was content

Hey my beautiful potato farm here's a fluff/filler chapter anyways vote and comment let me know what you think. And if you feel like talking you can message me I'm all ears . Again don't forget to vote and comment let me know what you think


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