chapter 11

111 11 2

My hair is splayed out on my pillow as I wake up with a smile on my face when last night's events begin to play on my mind. Aiden had taught me how to swim or well had tried to. You see I'm very impossible to teach no matter what it is if I don't already know it then I'll never know it. That's just how my brain works, people call it dense but I call it the way life works

*knock knock*

I get broken away from my string of thoughts by a knock on the door.

"Honey breakfast is ready" my mother said from the other end of the room after peeking in.

My mom never came up to my room to call me for breakfast infact she hardly ever made breakfast so I knew something was up. I really don't want to get out of bed but I can't keep my mother waiting so I guess my laziness was going to have to suck it up. I stood up not before staring blankly into space. On my way to the bathroom I saw a note on the floor in my mother's neat hand writing


I know I haven't updated in a long while and I'm sooo sorry this chapter is just a fluff/filler as I get back into my writing nature anyway the next chapter will be alot better bye for now my lovelies

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