chapter 16

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"I know you are waiting for a good excuse and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for not being able to stand up to my parents, I'm sorry for being a coward, I'm sorry you have to live there, I'm sorry for choosing to do this, I'm sorry for living a lie, I'm sorry the truth is I love you, I'm sorry I can't tell you or anyone that truth, I'm sorry for making you fall in love with me, I'm sorry for choosing to reject you when you already fell for me, I'm sorry for having to put you through this" I was cut of by him

"Its okay"

"No let me finish, I'm sorry for not being good enough, I'm sorry for not caring enough, I'm sorry for being selfish and I'm sorry for never being good enough" I said finally ending my speech. I waited for him to say anything but he didn't do I decided to break the silence instead.


"So let's get going the moon goddess said we don't have much time" he replied while smiling at me and I replied back with a huge smile. I really wanted to hug him but didn't think much of it as I wasn't too sure if I was forgiven enough to do that to him just yet. So we set off in a peaceful silence not bothering to collect any clothes or personal belongins as it would raise too many suspicions and anyways my parents would find us soon and the moon goddess hopefully will keep to her words upon them hearing us out. We walked side by side with a calm atmosphere to destination unknown

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