chapter 9

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"Woah"I heard him whisper in astonishment while I just giggle at him. I turn back to see him blushing really hard so I walk over to him and wrap him in my arms. I hear him sigh in delight while he snuggles his head into the crook of my neck.

I begin to pull away but he holds me tighter and I just giggle. "Hey we have to sit down....or Well if you want to"I say to him with a soft voice in order not scare him or sound upset which will inevitably scare him "yeah...sorry I would love to uhhh sit down" so
i guide him to the bed as I wanted to sit down beside him and probably cuddle.

He sits down and grabs my shoulders as I wrap my hands around his waist we sit there for a few minutes and then I begin to hear his soft snores so I carefully lay him down on the bed.

Hey lovelies sorry the chapter is short but I promise the next will be longer

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