-03- Numb

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"Ahh... Kenma? You good?" Kuroo asked the male. Kenma has a bandage on his cheek. Kenma looked up from his phone he looked sadder then Kuroo had ever seen.

"Yeah...." Kenma said to the boy. Kuroo didn't believe it staring at Kenma coming closer to him. "Kenma, I'm your broster- you can tell me anything" Kuroo said now Kenma nodded. "I know" he said his answer as short and sweet like Kenma but not right now.

Kenma looked terrible, eyes were bloodshot, his hair was quite messy,and the bandage on his cheek didn't look pretty. Most of the day Kenma was a blank sheet of paper, blanker then usual. He was numb.

He didn't play on his phone anymore, he didn't play games anymore, and every volleyball practice he was zoned out. Kuroo remembered one day asking Kenma to play An Xbox game with him knowing Kenma wouldn't deny. But to a shock he did saying "I don't want to." Now that's something that normally never came out of his mouth when it came to games.

He also felt Hatred pouring from Kenma and saltiness. The glares, the stares, Kuroo always caught Kenma glaring at someone but he would always block the view of who it was. But Kuroo got scared once seeing the look on Kenma's face showed nothing but anger as if he was going to pounce on someone and rip their head off from their shoulders.

Kenma's father was a pharmacist, and Kenma visited the shop often. One it was close to his house so whenever he needed a snack he got discounts, and to drive his father home when he was tired and his mother got scared. Recently Kenma had stolen a lot of substances from the store, like sleeping pills, anti-depressants. Usually he just got condoms and birth control for Kuroo whenever he needed some but now he was taking pills.

He usually took the sleeping pills after discovering he had some sort of insomnia. The anti depressants came after he found himself becoming numb and uncaring of the world, not caring about anything really but you of course. Kenma was lacking in volleyball too, always distracted and never putting his all on the line.

Today, Kenma stood there letting the ball fly over his head. Now Kuroo sighed heavily walking over now putting a hand on his shoulder. "Go sit down Kenma, Yaku take over setter" Kuroo said now Kenma walked over to the bleachers.... you were there again at practice waiting for lev to finish.

Now he shakily sat down a little bit across from you.

'I should be sad I have to sit out but.... I'm not, I'm closer to her'

This is why he liked you, you gave him a feeling he had never felt before, it was a mixture of happiness, mellow and warmth, he felt cozy next to you as if he could tell you anything. He didn't care that his team wasn't doing well because he wasn't well. He didn't care that himself wasn't doing well. He only cared if you were doing well.

He wondered how a conversation with you would go...

He didn't have to wonder anymore because...
"Look!" You exclaimed now closer to Kenma then ever now showing Kenma your phone. It was a video of a cat laying down before falling over on it's ass as you couldn't help but laugh. "This video had me dying!" You exclaimed now Kenma didn't know what to say his face red as you looked over to him with a shit eating dopey grin. "You like cats?" You asked him as he nodded.

"I like their ears"

"Me too! And when you scratch behind them and they start purring!"

"Their so cute..."

"And cuddly!"

We were meant to be...

"Oh what's your name?" You asked me as I felt happier then ever this girl wanted to know me. "K-Kenma Kozume..." he told you. "Nice to meet you! I'm reader!" You said to him with a smile on your face. Your smile made him smile. He was bouncing up and down on the wall wanting to yell out and scream.

Is this what hinata feels like in volleyball.

"Oi! You got Instagram?" Follow me @ReaderBeThiccTho ! Also give me your number" the you said pulling out your phone now this was moving so fast but kenma wasn't an idiot he wasn't gonna past this up.

(555)-xxx-xxx : yo Kenma it be me, reader

Kenma: yeah I can tell.

🌸sugarlips🌸: omg! I remember you now! You're that boy that ran into me like two weeks ago!

Kenma looked over to you as you looked over to him with a small chuckle. "You have a big forehead!" You laughed.

I have a big forehead?!

This was exactly why Kenma didn't want to talk to you, you'd break him down as easily as you'd built him up. Now his head dropping.

You not knowing that you I'd anything wrong had gasped. "That means your brain must be huge!" You said to him with smile. He looked up at you as you stared back at him. "I saw you playing the other day you're really smart!" You complemented him. Now he was back up his head perking up turning to you. "R-really? You think so.... thanks.." he told you now he had a purpose to play volleyball. To see it you'd complement him or not.

Now you and Kenma talked before practice was over and now Lev was taking you home since he somehow owned a car and somehow passed his drivers licenses. Now Kenma stared at his phone on the train ride home.

He had changed your name twelve thousand times already but he Finally found what to call you.

Kitty: so I'm standing there, barbecue sauce on my titties

You were his kitty, he blushed staring at his and giggling at what you said texting you back.
Now Kuroo was curious what picked him up as Kenma seemed to be having a bad day but not anymore.

Because those same feelings he got standing around you, came from your phone too. It was bad you two were becoming friends and getting closer, soon she'd find out and call him weird. He knew it was bad for him to get close but.

He really wanted to

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