-06- Stalking

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This isn't stalking... I'm just making sure she's okay...

I'm not strong but... I'll protect her.

Now Kenma watched from behind a wall, slowly following you. You were walking home today, Kenma knew you would be. You always walked home on fridays for some reason, Kenma never knew why but you always got out before volleyball club ended but since you were now manager he could finally stal- protect you.

Now you walked looking downwards at your phone. It wasn't until you turned the corner. Kenma had to keep up with you, following you and watching you stop at a snack machine for a snack. You had bought a bag of chips not having much to eat today since Kenma had to stop giving you food so often now that you sat at the table with the group They'd start finding it weird.

He breathed softly continuing to follow you before you got home safely.

Kenma sat on a bench now looking up at your house. He counted about twelve windows, two doors on the outside and a fairly large backyard. Now he typed the address into his notes before getting up and beginning to look around. He found your room was in the back of the house and fairly big. It had two windows and a bathroom. He could tell it was yours by your book bag and the fact that it was covered in (F/C).

He wanted to crawl in but.. it was too risky. Now he took pictures out from the window of your room before it began to get darker. He watched you from your window surprised you didn't close your window at night.

He watched you eat, play on your computer and soon you went to sleep. Kenma was surprised that you went to sleep so early now he checked his phone.

12:36 AM

Kenma's eyes widened has he really been here that long. He then realized all the lights in the house were out, along with everyone else's home on the street. Kenma had homework to do, he had to start on a project but with you around he really could care less.

Since you were asleep he went a little closer to your window to see you, even if you did wake up it was pitch black outside. Looking more closely he saw your window had no lock, it made him smirk for some reason, he could lift it up right now and crawl in.

But he didn't, he was it was too risky. He could get caught, he'd come back another time now he turned and began to head home now thinking of a lie to tell his parents. He was kinda hungry but there was nothing he could really do at twelve am- scratch that it was now one am by the time he came home.

He sat at his desk and laid back and really pondered. He looked over to his journal turning on his desk light and looked over his notes.

Lev haiba-
D e a t h

Am I really going to kill someone...
Should I really kill someone...
And how is a tall Russian boy just going to go missing and no one cares or notices..
He's a terrible human being, that gives nothing to society I'm doing the world a favor.


When you really think about it Kenma, you're not doing anything wrong.

Is it really against the law? What if he just happens to drink my cup of rat poison that looks like tea? Then that's himself accepting death...

It's not like I killed him, the rat poison did. I didn't even touch him.

Kenma began to jot his ideas down before he forgot them, smiling to himself as he did so thinking about how happy things would be if lev died. Everything would go back to normal if he died, no one would miss him and reader would love him.

He was convinced he was in love but it was weird.
This wasn't normal love, the love he'd see on tv shows or in books.
And this wasn't caring love like a mother and child.

It was aggressive love... mean love. Once it hit Kenma it wouldn't stop hitting him, at first he'd tried to deny these feelings but they got overwhelming. Everytime he tried to do something else it'd hit him to remind him who he love and how she wasn't with him.

It came to the point where his humanity was slipping away, he didn't care who he hurt.

He didn't care who he KILLED.

He didn't care who died.

He only cared about you

"I have this odd feeling like I'm being watched 24/7"

"You're probably just hungry! I feel weird when I'm hungry"

"No you idiot! I know my hungry feelings different from someone looking at me!" You said to Lev, you holding the hand of Roku as he seemed uninterested in what you and Lev were talking about. Lev ruffling Roku's hair and grinning happy to see the boy.
"Eh, go sit down and if you get hungry here" you said to him giving the little boy two dollars.

"Buy something from the snack machine." You said pointing to the snack machine by the bathrooms.
Roku nodded now sitting on the bleachers, mainly on his phone not really caring about this whole practice or volleyball in general.

What did make him laugh was when you ended up getting hit in the face with the volleyball as he wish he took a picture.
Soon he did in fact get hungry so he walked up to the front of the gym going to the snack machine but.

He ran into the male coming out of the bathroom, he was lanky and had blonde hair that the rest was covered by a hoodie and he wore a mask so most of his facial features were blurred. All that stuck out to Roku was his scary monster cat like eyes. Kenma glared at the little boy as Roku couldn't deny he was scary, he made him shake a little bit before they stopped and Kenma began to walk away.

But soon something fell from his bag, a picture it seemed. "Oh mister! You forgot your..." Roku stopped seeing it was a picture of his sister. The male turned around and snatched it from him growling lightly. Roku genuinely almost pissed himself, tears in the corner of his eyes. Kenma putting a thin finger to his mouth that was clothed by the mask.

"Don't say a word"

The boy shook heavily and nodded gulping while Kenma rolled his eyes.

This is going to be a bitch to deal with

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