-25- Prey

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"Come on it's okay."

You moaned in response

"Just one more batch it's okay." Kenma told you. He placed his fingers in your mouth again. He couldn't have you die of an overdose, that'd be silly. He was your god, he dictated when you die and how you die. You signed away that right when he first laid eyes on you.

Kenma held your waist against his but in this situation it was not arousing. It was so you couldn't escape him. Your head dipped back into the toilet and dribble of throw up on your lip. Kenma pulling your hair back for you earlier with a hair tie. You already threw up around two times in the toilet a mountain of undigested and half digested pills looking back at you along with green and red unidentifiable goop.

"Just one more and then we're done." Kenma said in his calming and reassuring voice his two fingers and upper arm going down your throat as far as they could once more. You gagged and Kenma quickly removed his hand from inside your mouth. Tilting your head farther into the toilet.

You emptied your stomach once again now dry heaving as you tasted nothing but stomach acid rub up and burn the back of your throat. Kenma flushed the toilet and the content of pills down the drain before he began to take off your hospital gown. You didn't fight, not having any energy left too, or for a matter of fact, the want to fight him. Kenma was Kenma. You trusted him.

He lifted up your naked body being gentle with you (even though you were too drugged to feel pain). He slipped you into his Egg shaped tub and began filling it with warm water. He pulled his red scrunchie out of your hair letting it fall to the sides of you. He got a small hand towel from underneath the sink and damped it. Now reaching over and cleaning the sides of your mouth and the sides of your face.

Where you too dazed? Did you even know what was happening. You weren't responding to him.

Either way he decided to wash you up. He had no idea how you got here but he could bet by your leg turning purple that you escaped the hospital by doing something stupid. "Nee.... my cute girlfriend is so stupid..." Kenma whispered teasing you. You shook your head rapidly whining lightly not able to form words. It made Kenma smile at your state chuckling lightly.

"Yes you are, you're stupid. But don't worry I'm here for you." He whispered shampooing your hair and running his hands through it.

"God... if I wasn't in love with you. What would you do?" He said to you with a small smile. Your stupid smile dropped, looking at Kenma who was running his hands through your hair. "Don't be sad, it's okay. I do love you so be glad." Kenma told you. Now gently washing your hair with the shower head. You shook your head not wanting to hear him talk anymore.

"S-shush..." you whispered to him, it was the only thing you could mutter. "Huh? But it's the truth... my girlfriend is stupid, hopeless... and a pill addict."

"Shush..." you whimpered. Tears came from your eyes and rolled down your cheek as Kenma washed your body with some of his pine and cinnamon body wash, scrubbing the stained blood off of your body. "You can cry about it, but it's true." Kenma said with a smile poking your forehead.



"Pill addict."

Each word echoed in your mind. His words were hurtful and made you sob even more. Tears running down your face as you looked at him shaking your head at his words. He could only smile at you and nod. "It's true... but don't worry, you have me to take care of you." He said to you now he picked you up as you sobbed like a child in his hands. He emptied the bathtub and wrapped you in a towel. He carried you to the couch and left you there for a few minutes only to come back downstairs with a set of his own clothes.

He lifted your limbs and began to dress you, like a doll. He smiled once you were fully dressed in a red shirt and gym pants. He petted your head and snuggled into you, resting your broken foot up on the couch. Then he looked at it longer. Your foot was bent.

"Oh... oh no. It won't heal properly, I need to snap it back into place." Kenma said now getting up. You had no idea what he was talking about and just stared at his figure. He bent down to your feet and in a quick motion.


It felt weird when your foot curved back into place from Kenma's push. Kenma saw you weren't screaming in pain because of the high. It made him sad a little when you just stared.

Suddenly a knock was heard from heard from the door. Kenma looked at you and then the door. Who was at it?

The police?

An ambulance?

He shrugged, he knew it was for you and not for him and his recent events.

He opened the door. There stood Lev.

The stray cat stares up at the weakened lion.

"R-reader... shes... gone.. is... she.. here?" Lev said panting towards Kenma. Kenma looked up at him tilting his head.

"Gone?" He said acting like a confused house cat and tilting his head. Lev looked down at Kenma then to his living room. "Y-yes! S-she escaped the h-hospital..."


Kenma pretended like you weren't there, you crawled onto him and held his hand resting all your weight against him. "K-k-Kenma..." you whimpered leaning onto him.

"Milyy-chan! K-Kenma I thought you said she wasn't here." Lev said as you lazily petted Kenma's hair. He still acting as if you weren't here.

"Ooh? I just noticed her..."

Lev stared at you drugged you and then Kenma. He didn't have time for this! He needed to get you to the hospital. Now he tugged on your arm and you made yipp and scream. You hugged onto Kenma barring your head in his jacket.

"No Kenma! No me!" You yelled now crying into his shoulder.

The house cat smirked up to the lion.

"You heard her."

"No Kenma... no me."

"W-whatever! I'm calling the ambulance!"

The both of stared at each other as Lev was calling the authorities.

Who would win the prey.

The sneaky house cat or the weakened lion.

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