-09- Sleepover

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"Where's that kid you always bring..?" Kenma asked just you and him walked home. You two had gotten off the train and parted ways with Kuroo as Kuroo was heading to the mall before going home.

"Oh my brother, Roku's been having nightmares and been scared shitless recently.... My mom took him to see a therapist."

"Oh... I'm sorry about that... I know what it's like." Kenma said to you opening up to him.

"You're supposed to run your whole life story to this one person you've never met... they baby talk down to you which only makes you feel more crazy. They lie telling you it's going to be okay and reschedule another session so they can get more money out of you..." he whispered looking towards the ground.

You held your straps of your backpack closer to you. "If you really need it, I'll be your therapist!"

Kenma looked at your trying to see if you were joking or not. His face scrunched up a little before he let out a small laugh. "Pft.."

You made Kenma laugh and you felt proud. It wasn't long before you reached the home. Kenma taking out a key from his pocket and opening the door. You stepped inside taking your shoes off Kenma doing the same as you were introduced to the two story home.

"My parents are working late tonight.."

He whispered before bringing you over to the couch and sitting down with you. "So what's up? Why'd you invite me over Kozum- I mean Kenma!" You said looking at him as he sat across from you. He blushed red rubbing the back of his ear hearing you call him Kenma. Now he looked at you blushing.

"Well... this new game came out today and I wondered if you wanted to play with me..." he told you. You blinked looking at him. "I thought Kuroo would want to? Aren't you two like best friends."

I'll Make her feel bad for me...

"He's been drifting away from me... I think he thinks I'm weird... and he made up that mall excuse because he didn't want to." He said lying out of his ass, but Kenma's voice was so mellow and unchanging he sounded like he was telling the truth.

'Aww I feel bad... if that was me and lev drifting away I don't know what I'd do'

"Oh! I'm sorry I brought it up!"

"No biggie."

Kenma now stood up. "You play games don't you?" He asked you. He already knew the answer to that question, he did watch you every day...

"Yeah a little, I'm not much for stuff like... online shooters." You told him. The male nodded although he knew that already. He prepared for this day in advance buying a multiplayer casual game.

Kenma then stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go get the console." He muttered. He turned his back and went up the stairs. You looked around, his home was nice and clean. Almost everything was off white and the walls were a mellow brown. The coffee table matched the drapes, the drapes matched the walls. In short everything matched.

It looked like clean freaks owned this home. Your room would NEVER be as clean as this home. Now looking to the walls you saw a family photo. Kenma's assumed mother had long black hair and a cute heart shaped face. His father has the same soft looking nature Kenma did, and the same straight face.

Soon Kenma returned holding the console, wires and the two controllers. He soon began to tinker with the living room tv going behind there.

He began plugging in and setting up the wires and it wasn't long before you saw the console's logo pop up on the tv screen.

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