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"Yeah I'm an asshole. But it's okay I'll make it up to her."

Kenma looked through his goggles. The dim light in his basement swinging subtly. He had a small vial of cyanide in his hands now mixing a little bit of sleeping powder. Now he put it on the boiler, he half expected it to blow up but it didn't.

He let out a sigh of relief before smiling.

"Thanks kuroo."

He smirked. He looked over the basement, all of his items he had bought at the black out event was in the room. No one came in the basement expect for Kenma. His parents probably forgot that they actually had a basement. Or forgot the fact Kenma had the key.

He then flopped on the couch and picked up his hacked phone. He looked over seeing your messages. The hacked phone they used was bought by Kuroo and it just made Kenma's job easier.

"It's almost too easy..."

He choose to ignore your messages for now, you were too broken to go to the police right now. So you'd probably just try to get comfort from Yuki or Lev. He was hoping on Yuki to go first but he wouldn't mind Lev either. He now reviewed his purchase on the deep web.

"I spent a lot of money..."

"My mom won't notice, she's a nurse she'll make the money back in no time."

Now he crossed his arms and put them behind his head. In twenty minutes or so his concoction should be done and then he would have to walk to Yuki's house. Even if you weren't there it would still be nice to plant evidence.

Digging into his bag he looked at what he could plant around Yuki's house.

Some of the rooster's hair... a pencil he touched... Hmm a bag of hot chips.

"I didn't get anymore?" He asked tilting his head looking around in his book bag. He shrugged now sighing.

Truly, I didn't want you to die Kuroo.

I didn't, I just wanted you to go to jail.

But this may cause you to get a death sentence.

Kuroo you've been my friend since I was small and reader I just met this year...

Yeah. She's still better than him.

Wow I got over him quickly. I really am evil.

Kenma couldn't help but smirk at himself. He laid back on the couch and stretched out. He was going to take a small cat nap before his concoction finished and then he would go to work.

"I'm sorry reader, I'm sorry kuroo."

"It's just what has to be done."


"Yuki!" You yelled now coming up to the male. You were panting, you had ran back all the way to the school. You had left early after Kuroo had given you, your phone. And caught the male by the skin of your teeth when you saw him and Inuoka about to walk off campus.

SUPPLEMENT||YANDERE! Kenma Kozume (16+)Where stories live. Discover now