-07- I made them with love

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"I made them with love"

Roku was acting strange.

He didn't tease you like normal.

He didn't make fun of you.

He didn't speak out of line.

He just... was quiet.

It almost scared you when you found your little brother knocking at your door as it was time for bed. "C-Can I sleep with you sis...." he said a little bit above a whisper.

"Umm.... sure" you said to the smaller boy as your bed was big enough for the both of you. You let him get comfy right next to you.

"....c-can....can you turn on.... the bathroom light?"

The shakiness in his voice was enough to scare you. You really wondered what was going on with him, now getting out of the bed you walked to the bathroom and turned on the bathroom light cracking the door a little so it wasn't annoyingly light in your room.

Now slipping back into bed you looked at Roku.

"Is someone bothering you at school?"


"What's wrong? Monsters in your closet?"


"Roku.... what's wrong?" You brought the little boy closer to you kissing his forehead and holding him close something he'd never let you do stating once he was too cool for kisses. "I...I can't tell you.." he said to you.



The boy quickly shut up now images of before, the monster that looked over him, The cat like face, the sharp teeth, he didn't remember much of his face but it seemed sickly.

"Don't say a word."

It's long black fingers moved to its mouth making a hush sound towards him. The pictures of his sister was in his hands, was that monster haunting them?

You watched your brother move closer to you and hug your body tight. You felt your shirt getting wet from his silent tears as he tugged at it. You felt bad for your little brother now you ran a hand through his locks before rubbing his back bringing him comfort.

12:47 AM

"Hi everyone! And welcome to Cooking with Abigail!"

"Today were going to make these special cookies! Filled with sweetness and the perfect thing to give to your loved ones!"

Kenma watched the video play as he stood in his kitchen, his parents asleep. He wanted to make something special for you.

Should I sneak them into her lunch or give them to her personally...

No.... I shouldn't, that'd be too embarrassing... but I do want to see her eat them.

Leave them on her desk again?

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