-12- Distraught

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The boy stared up at the ceiling. Listening to his heart beat his eyes wide.

A cotton like material in his mouth to stop the bleeding and a wire holding his mouth closed. Your eyes watering as your mom hugged onto the hospital bed shedding more tears then you've ever seen.

"We're sorry... but... your son may not be able to speak ever again..."

You let your tears fall, you began to shake. Your baby brother would never speak again?

"I told your father to remove that damn boulder from out of our yard!" You mom yelled her tears streaming down her face clutching the bed side. You had found Roku next to the boulder in the yard, his face and mouth bloodied. But something didn't sit right with you.

No way he fell so hard that boulder messed him up this badly!

"It's going to be okay Roku! I-I-I'll protect you!" You sniffled out not wanting to cry in front of the boy. He just stared at you, unable to open his jaw.

Fuck... don't look at me like that..

You couldn't take it. You broke down. Crying into your palms as your brother stared before shifting his eyes to the ceiling.

He was glad he would never speak again.

That monster got him because he spoke up.

Soon his eyes began to water as well as he looked over to you and clutched your arm.


He gurgled out. Only resulting in you crying even more latching onto him in a hug making sure not to get too close to his face. He didn't want the scary monster to get him again. He wanted his big sister to protect him.

"I'll do my best..."

"To protect you.."


"That's terrible..." Yamamoto said to you. You sat on the bleachers your head down in your palms. You were trying not to cry. You told Yamamoto and Kuroo what happened as they came up to you asking what was wrong.

Lev was busy Practicing with Kenma. He looked a mess since you two parted, bags underneath his eyes and a frown on his face as he slumped letting the ball hit him in the face once again.

"Ehh.... you need to let go of her lev." Kenma told the male walking over to him going underneath the net. Lev sucked in his teeth in response pouting. "I can't... she's beautiful, my best friend... my little milyy-Chan." He said looking at you. His eyes widened noticing you crying. He couldn't help himself, no amount of pettiness could hold him from running over to you and giving you a hug.

Kenma could though.


Kenma harshly tugged the giant back looking up at him with fake sympathy. "I wasn't going tell you.."


"She's been breaking down a lot mainly because of the stress you put her through."

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