Chapter 2: Sweet Sixteen

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Clark's POV:

The morning sun shines through my window. I lift my spare pillow to cover my face. I'm so not ready to start the day. Maybe I can convince my parents I need to stay in today. They should allow me for my birthday. I couldn't help but laugh. We live on farm there's always work to be done. Dad probably already got eggs for mom and milked Wilma and Betty. I was going through a Fred Flintstone phase back when I was younger. So, there's two cows and two Bulls. Everyone can guess their name. Yep Fred and Barney.
I stretched my feet out to get the kinks out. I moved the spare pillow and rubbed my face. Okay time to get ready for the day. I superspeed to the bathroom to get my shower. After my shower I hurried back to change. Later tonight Pete, Chloe and I are going to the movies. They both know bout my powers. I told them this past Christmas. They are my best friends and I felt it was time. Chloe had ideas because of my superspeed. Pete had absolutely no idea. It through both for loop. I gave them time to process. Chloe came back the next day. Pete took him about 4 days. He never suspected anything and Chloe's more open to the unexplainable. Specially her wall of weird.

My birthday is February 29, 1989. I came to earth in the year 1989. I don't know much about my alien home. My parents here on earth gave me a shard for Christmas. It was from inside my ship. Once the shard was placed into my hand a blue glow began to form. A bright light came from the shard blinding my parents and me. Once I reopen my eyes. I wasn't in Smallville, Kansas anymore. The shard transported me to the Artic. I felt like Dorothy from the wizard of Oz. Just add it to the weirdness of my life.

I looked around to see why the shard transported me here. The icy wind flung snow into my direction. I couldn't feel any of the cold. I know it was around -30 degrees F. normal person would freeze. I was bare foot with only a fleece Christmas pajama pants and t shirt with a giant snowman on it. I took two normal steps and the shard in my hand started to glow red. It began to heat up. Usually heat wouldn't affect me, but this was from my home planet. So, all bets are off. I dropped the shard from my hand. The snow around where I dropped the shard started to melt. It began to bury into the snow. The ground began to shake. Crystals shot out of the ground in different directions.

It was like a structure was being built. The crystals shaped and twist around each other. It was as big as a castle. A solid fortress made of Ice crystals. It was 30 minutes before the ground stopped shaking. There was an entrance in front of the ice structure facing me. I begin to take a step but the shard in the ground had other plans. It shot from the snow straight towards me. Thankfully I had amazing reflexes. I caught it easily. After placing the shard into my shirt pocket I walked towards the entrance.

As I walked inside. The crystals were gigantic. Every corner you can see were crystals. My shirt pocket began to glow a red. I was worried the shard will heat up again. I lifted the shard from my shirts. It didn't feel hot just pulsing like it was alive. If words could describe it then a heartbeat was what the pulse felt like. There was a slight glow flashing in and out. As I continued to walk the shard pulsed faster with a gentle hum. Every step taken the shard began to become brighter and louder. I feel like its leading me somewhere. I see there are other tunnels on each side of me. If I try turning to one of the tunnels the pulse goes slower.
It's wanting me to move straight ahead. I come into a room of sorts. Everything is made of crystals of course. But there's a feel of significance. A flash was coming from a cluster of crystals. The cluster was like a stand or podium. The flash was a reddish hue same as the shard. I looked around as I moved towards the cluster of crystals. The only thing else I could see was a clear solid form of ice on the wall. The clear form stretched all the way to the floor. It's in front of the cluster of crystals. It reminds me of a mirror. My reflection is being shown off the clear form.

As I approach the stand of crystals. I lift my hand with the shard closer to the stand. The pulse grew faster the closer I got. There was a hole in the middle of the crystals where the reddish flashing came from. I still don't know what made me place the shard into the slot, but I did. The shard slips down smoothly. The crystals on the stand begin to light up a variety of colors every where. I must have turned something on. The mirror like wall begins to change. It becomes foggy at first. Then a Man Come up onto the wall.

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