Chapter 5: Rescue part 2.

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Phantom Zone March 24, 2005

Sangs Pov

I wake up to get out of my hard crystal bed. The need for a good long stretch felt amazing. I grab my blanket that Raya and I made for me out of Orycotombatid fur. Its becoming colder here on the Phantom Zone. Even though the red sun Rao is always shining on us.

This planet changes temperatures during certain time of the amzeto. I wrap it around me then walk over to where my basket was kept over by the control panel. I begin packing my basket for the trip to Earth.

Hmmm let’s see I have my communication device, my blanket from my spaceship, my clothes, I then grab some of the Orycotombatid meat that I have.

The meat is wrapped in a whole bunch of Jue-Jue leaves and tied them together with twine. I reach over to the control panel to remove my crystal For the fortress to place at the top of the basket for later to use. Ever since Kal-EI I mean Clark has contacted me. the fortress has been losing even more power than usual.

I have to power up the fortress during the time I go to sleep for my protection and turn off the power when I wake up. I know when it gets closer to time I’ll just reactivate the fortress for the day.

Before Raya disappeared she taught me a few fighting techniques I think the earth term is moves. This gives me a chance to protect myself when I won’t have the shield around the fortress protecting me.

I then start to think about what Clark said about his earth family. I hope that they will accept me. I always wanted a real family. Yes, even though I have the artificial version of my father but it's not the same as a real person. I hope that his parents will let me call them mom and dad. I’m hoping his friends will like me. I really want them to be my friends too.

I can't wait to be on earth. I want to be able to do girly stuff I’ve seen in pictures of historical cultures of Earth. Maybe even have a pet or two and most importantly have a real family. I then go to look at the digital calendar that I asked father to make for me after Clark got in contact with me.

There are six more days until Clark will come to rescue me. All of a sudden my stomach starts to grumble. Since I haven't eaten anything yet today I go to look at my food supply. Hmmmm, I don't have enough berries to eat. I grab my other basket and I go outside. I make my way down the mountain. I make sure I don't step on anything that would make noise. 

I go to the Rambuntan bush and start to pick berries to place them in the basket. I think I have enough so I start walking up the mountain back to my fortress.

I moved slow and steady to not step onto any twigs. I have the basket balanced on my shoulder. The voices of the forest surrounds me. Different animals and sounds of Jue-Jue trees moving. There are dangers all around. But these are normal calm noises.

I continue my walk towards the mountain. My fortress not to far ahead. Suddenly a chill runs down my spine. It’s a feeling like a prey is being watched by a predator. I pick up my speed to hurry back to the fortress. 

I try to avoid any twigs but I know in my haste I failed miserably. I’m not catching any noise out of the normal. It’s just really calm. I made my way up the mountain. The entrance of my fortress came into view. I let out a breath of relief.

The site of safety takes the weight off my shoulders. Raya taught me a few defense moves but against a strong opponent. I would only be able to wound them and escape. I’m not strong enough for anything major. Once I walk through the entrance. I shake off the tension from my body.

My basket of supplies is still by The control panel. I walk over to the control panel to place my food next to the supplies. I get on my hands and knees to check over my supplies to see if I need anything else I want to take with me. Hmmmm maybe some more meat would be nice. My concentration is still on my bag. I don’t feel the wind shift of something coming too close to me.

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