Chapter 4: Contact

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Earth February 29th, 2005

                              Clarks Pov

How are you Little Sis?” I cannot help but ask her and grimace at the same time. Good going Clark the stupidest question ever. Of course, she’s probable having the time of her life on the most dangerous planet ever. Good going Clark. I hear a little giggle coming through the mirror. “One I'm not that little, Big Brother. Okay maybe I am 4’7, but that’s not too little. Its average height on earth? Thanks to our father Jor-El through a program he included into our fortresses. I learned a little of Earth cultures, languages and customs along with histories. I have learned 5 languages so far. I want to know more. This is English am I correct? Also, Two I'm ok, I guess.

It’s getting harder to hide here and not be seen by the inhabitants living here. They know I am here since someone saw me 5 years ago. I was gathering food and a Zoner saw me. I was able to escape and hide back then. It’s been a struggle to hide and gather the essentials I need for my survival since I’ve grown. They have been increasing the searches throughout the forests here. I believe I’m using the right terms. The plants here are as tall as trees you have on earth. I have to climb everything to reach any nourishment. I want to use similar terminology you are using to help describe the environment. I don’t know if your familiar with Kryptonian words. The Zoners use these more.

We will have more time later I can describe more for you. But Some Zoners tried to attack me yesterday when I was gathering provisions. Luckily, I can run faster than they could catch me. I was able to hide in a hole inside a tree. I was able to mask my scent from their noses with the slime inside the trees.  After the coast  was clear, I was able to rush back to my fortress hidden on the mountains here. The fortress has a protection field where it cloaks everything where nothing can be seen. Only I can see the fortress when it’s invisible.” she says.

“I'm so sorry Sang. If I had known about you before today I would have come and gotten you already. I’m so sorry Sang you been going through all this.” I raise my fist to hit the side of the wall. The crystals didn’t move or shake from the impact. They are made for our strength. “Hey, it's ok Kal-El you know about me now and that's all that matters,” she says. I can’t help but smile. She is alone, scared and having to survive from predators and criminals. She is comforting me; her big brother that’s bigger than her. My little sis is amazing.

“I guess so little sis. Oh, and could you please call me Clark because my family and friends on earth call me that. Only the people close to me know of my Kryptonian name. We can keep yours the way it is if it’s easier. If not then we can just shorten it or, we can change it all together. Oh, by the way yeah 4’7 is still very short for our age. I’m 5’6 and you are so much smaller than me. LITTLE sis. Also, yes this is English; don’t worry you will be able to learn everything you want when You come home with me.”

She starts giggling again from my comment. I love to hear her laugh it means she is alive and surviving. My sister is still fighting. “Ok Clark. I think shortening my name will be good. I love the way you said my name Sang is beautiful. I'd like to keep it that way. Could you tell me about your life on earth?” I can’t help but smile at my sister’s words. “Sure Sang, what do you want to know?” She giggles again “I want to know Absolutely everything.”

“Hmm, ok so my ship landed on earth in a corn field in a small town called Smallville. This amazing couple named Johnathan and Martha Kent found me and my spaceship.  They took me in and adopted me. My two best friends are Pete Ross and Chloe Sullivan.” I hear this weird sound. I stop talking to see where it comes from. “I hate to interrupt a brother and sister reunion. Shouldn't you be asking how to get Sang-El off the Phantom Zone.” Jor-El asks me. I wanted to face palm myself.

“Yes, you're right Jor-El, how do I get Sang off the Phantom Zone.” I ask Jor-El. “Many years ago when I visited earth. I placed two black crystals into a wall of a new building being built in Smallville. The coordinates are Longitude -98.484247 and Latitude 39.011902. It was to keep them safe from other Kryptonians. They can be used to travel across the galaxies. Once you retrieve the crystals you come back here. You then press the bottom panel button for the portal. It will activate a Family Crest stand to rise hidden inside the floor. Once its risen you place one black crystal into the stand to activate the portal. It takes a month to generate power.

When the month has come you will take the other crystal through the portal to the phantom zone. Once there you have only 1 hr to place the second crystal into the Family Crest in Sang-El’s Fortress. You need to have everything and the both of you back before the hour ends. If you don’t it will be another month to activate the Portal again from her side. Is this understandable Kal-El?” I take a moment to process everything. “Yes, Jor-El I understand. Sang I will look for them tomorrow that way I can explain everything to my parents I tell her.”

“Ok Clark, I love you Big Brother,” she says. “I love you too Little Sister and I will get you as soon as I can,” I tell her. "Ok, Clark I know you will come for me,” she says. I grab my bracelet and rushed home and Pete and Chloe were at the house when I got home.

When I go into the house everyone was sitting at the kitchen table. Pete comes up to me and slaps me on the back. “Happy Birthday bro.” He then gives me a fist bump. Chloe gives me a big smile and comes to give me a hug. “Happy Birthday Clark.” After we hug mom then asks me how was the visit to the fortress?

“Let’s go into the living room together. There is something I need to tell all of you.” We all begin walking out of the hallway towards the living room. Everyone gets seated while I stand in front of them. I begin walking back and forth pacing how to tell everyone this huge news. My mom stands up and comes to circle me with a hug. “Breath Clark it’s okay. No matter what it is we are in this together.”  Chloe leans forward followed by Pete. My dad joins my mom beside me. Chloe is first to ask the question they all wanted to ask. “What’s going on Clark? What is it?”

I take a deep breath and let it out. I grab both of my parent’s hands and let it out. “I have a twin sister and her name is Sang.” Everyone is on their feet now.  “What??” Questions left and right come at me. I place my hands up and say, “Hold it”. I look at everyone “If you will calm down. I will tell you everything ok. They calmed down and I start telling them about the bracelet and everything Jor-El telling me about my sister. “When mine and Sang’s ships were coming to earth. A meteoroid hit her ship and it sent her to a place called the Phantom Zone. It's a prison where they would send Kryptonian criminals. Along with criminals; it's very dangerous with vicious animals and Deadly plants. I must get her as fast as I can. I can’t do this without you. Please help me and can you see her as part of our family.”

Everyone was having mixed emotions across their faces. They glanced at each other before looking back at me. My mother as always, the strongest woman I know. She stands up and says, “We will help you Clark. You are our son and She will become our new daughter. She is your family and now our family. I know your father agrees that she belongs here with us. I know Chloe and Pete won’t mind helping either right.” Chloe stands and comes around to give me a hug. Pete follows to give me a back slap. “You are our best Friend we won’t let you do this alone. This is our adventure together to save your sister. We’ve been through everything else together. Now how are you supposed to get to the Phantom Zone,” they ask me. I give them the instructions to the crystals and how I need to activate the fortress. I’m so happy to have my family and my best friends here with me. WE ARE COMING SANG.

I saw another author do this and I asked if I could borrow the idea.

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❤️ = I loved/enjoyed this
☁️ = This was so fluffy
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🤗 = Too cute/My heart/This was adorable
💔 = This was sad
💣 = This was the bomb!

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