Chapter 5: Rescue part 1.

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Earth January 29, 2005

Clarks Pov

After giving Chloe a hug and Pete slapping my back again. They make room for mom and dad to come over. Mom comes up first. I see tears in her eyes. I wrap my arms around her to bring her close for a big hug. So nobody to see her cry. “ mom what’s wrong? why are you crying?”

She pulls away to quickly wipe her tears away before looking up at me. “ I’m sorry these are just happy and sad tears. I’m so happy you finally have family from your home planet and a sister at that. I have loved having you as my son for all these years. I know it’s been hard on you Clark. I’m so proud of how strong you have been. Going through all this and learning about yourself and your powers. It’s hard when your alone not knowing anything.

Your father and I could only help as much as we could. This is a new opportunity for you to be with family and y’all learning together about your powers. Plus I finally get a daughter to teach how to dress, design hair, do our nails, and all the girlie things I don’t get to do. Cause I love you and your father but I need another girl in this house. Way to much testosterone with football and other guy talk in here.

But the sad tears is for how much that poor girl has suffered and how much she has had to survive? How long has she been alone? Did she have help there? I can’t help but cry how much she has gone through. It makes me know how much you and her are alike and I know how proud your biological parents would be if were here today.

She will be our daughter and she can finally feel the love she deserves and what we given to you. She can know of having a family. She won’t have to suffer again. So happy and sad tears. We are going to bring our girl home.” I bring mom back in for a bigger hug. Dad comes up behind her and wraps both arms around mom and me. “Thank you so much mom and dad. You to Pete and Chloe this means so much to me.”

I’m trying to be strong right now. This means the world to me having my families support right now. They have been my rock and my strength through everything. Helping me learn my powers and how to control myself. Teaching me who to trust and who is a true friend. Giving me the love as a son and a home.

They took me in as their own when they didn’t know where I came from. and now their willing to give the same love to my sister. I release mom and she turns to my father. I then guide everyone to take a seat to get back settled. I sit in one of the recliners facing them. “ Okay, now that we are back settled. Does anyone have any questions about Sang?” I ask them.

“What does she look like?” Mom asks first. I smile and shake my head. I can’t believe I forgot to ask that question to Sang. I’m such a dummy. I guess when I was just making sure she was okay I completely forgot to ask what does she even look like. I look at mom “ well the funny thing is I don’t know. I was still in to much shock to ask. After I heard her voice I started checking on her seeing if she was okay. I completely forgot to ask her.

All I know is that she is 4'7 and I picked on her for her shortness too. But we were cut off when I was telling her bout all of you here. Joe-El interrupted about we needed to know how to get the portal started to get Sang here. I only know a few small things things about her.”

“Does she speak English or did Joe-El have to translate,” dad and Chloe ask me. I nod my head to their question. “ Yes, She can speak speak English. The main language she knows of course is Kryptonian. But she knows how to speak English and Apparently four others languages too. I didn’t ask what kind though.”

“Oh Wow, how does she know all of them,” Chloe asks. “Well I didn’t know this because I’m still new in figuring out the fortress but, Jor-El put a program inside both of our fortresses. The program has taught her all about Earth’s cultures, languages, customs, and histories. She wants to learn other languages. I told her she will have all the time In the world ; when we bring her home for her to learn more.”

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