Chapter 8: Secrets and Decisions part 2

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Quick authors note. I want to explain my version of the Academy. ( The academy family is important as each team in the academy. The team combined is made up of individuals that complement each other. The academy thrives in combining teams that can be mixed with powers and non powers. Some teams can have all powers or have non at all. To protect the privacy of the teams the academy made a policy that only registered teams and individuals that have abilities will only be known only by the board and their team members. If a team feels like sharing then they have the right to share. But for their protection the abilities are kept within the teams dynamics. If another team finds out and they feel there's harm in knowing teams have to notify the board immediately. The most important part is the family safety. The use of other members from other teams for missions only the team liaison is allowed to know under the contract of silence. This is agreed upon by the teams liaison and the requesting team liaison along with the board for an abilities member to be used in a mission. If broken of the contract punishment will be given to the offending team. Privacy is important for the unique academy members. )

Now on with the story!

June 10th, 2005

Owen's Pov.

It's a beautiful day in Charleston. Perfect weather for a BBQ. The Toma team and some of the boy's family members, are coming over to celebrate the successful mission at Ashley Waters. We are also trying to cheer each other up. The Toma team was sharing a girlfriend whose name was Kayli. They were together about a year and half. The Toma team found out she has been cheating on them. Everyone has been taking it really hard.

Our team has been through a few girlfriends here and there over the years as well. Honestly nothing as serious as the Toma team. The academy life is hard to find someone to understand the secrets, canceling of dates, and not being around as often. Most Academy members date within members or leave the academy. There are a few cases the other half are academy qualified and joins in.

In times like this when relationships fail or break apart one thing is always guaranteed family is always there. My brothers and I recent girlfriends have broken up with us. They didn't feel they got enough attention from us. They think we were spending too much time with our brothers and not with them. Sean and I have been thinking about one girl for our team to be able to share. We learned and watched from the Toma team from their relationship. I believe it's possible to have one woman for all of us.

Maybe I am being selfish but I want us to all find someone to love and to keep my family together. We heard about an Anderson team through Academy talk about similar relations. Maybe Sean and I can have a meeting set up. Right now it's a dream at the moment especially with recent events with the Toma team. Maybe one day, I don't want to give up on the idea.

After Mr. Lee was thrown off the balcony at Ashley Waters, we were at the hospital waiting to find out his condition. His mother demanded to know what happened. We were able to get permission from the council to tell her and his sister the basics of the Academy. I look around at my brothers enjoying their day and celebration. It was during that incident my eyes were opened about how I was keeping my brothers at a distant from me.

Calling my brothers by their last name just to protect my heart. I thought I was protecting myself from being hurt again. It was really was causing a wall between us. I believe it was a coping mechanism when I lost my mother when my father murdered her. These gentlemen are my real family. They are my brothers. Family first is always the Academy way. I wasn't fully trusting my Family when I was shielding everyone away from me. It wasn't until we almost lost our brother my walls around me broke. So I started that day calling the people close to me by first name. Only people I don't know I still use their last names. I have to still be a gentleman after all.

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