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3 years later after the highschool incident

A quick recap of what happened in them three years.

Tony and Steve grew closer. They moved in with each other after school had finished and had plans to go to the same college. 

Everytime Steve went near Clint, he had to hold back his anger. He beat the guy up a few times from not holding self control.

Tony recovered slowly after what happened between him and Clint. Steve helped him with that. He finally felt loved.

And now:

Tony's POV

"Tony. Tony hunny, it's time to wake up." Steve said, shaking me awake. I groaned. 

"What time is it?" I mumbled, opening my eyes groggily to see nothing but the bright light coming through the crack in the curtains.

"6 am" Steve said. I groaned and rolled over, to go back to sleep. "Come on. Were going to the gym. You made a commitment, remember?" Of course I don't remember agreeing to that. I went to the gym once and I hated it. Steve opened the curtain, and I groaned more.

"I don't want to go."

"Come on, you promised. I'll buy you donuts afterwards." I sat up, my hair was a mess. I felt a mess. I needed to get coffee into me immediately or I wouldn't be able to do much of anything. Luckily, Steve knows me well. He handed me one when I sat up, along side a protein bar. Protein bars are disgusting. Give me bacon any day. I ate it though, because he goes into a hissy fit when I don't eat it. 

I got up and got dressed. 

"Are we showering after the gym?" I asked.

"Of course we are." He said, acting like I asked a dumb question.

"I mean. Are we showering at home or at the gym?" He came over to me and poked my nose.

"Ah. You never asked that. We're showering at the gym. You can stick by me if you want. I know you get anxious around other men."

"Do you blame me?" I shuddered, thinking about what happened in the toilets at school. I never did call the police and tell them what happened. The thought of going to the police for this matter always made me feel sick. If I went to them now, they wouldn't believe me. They wouldn't have believed me back then anyway. 

Steve wrapped his arms around me. He pulled my head into his chest.

"I'll bring the swimming trunks for you." I have only showered once not wearing swimming trunks since the incident and I had a large panic attack. Steve couldn't calm me down and I ended up passing out because my breathing was so erratic. 

"I was going to bring them anyway." Don't worry. I still clean all my bits and bobs. 

"Of course you are. Go get your clothes ready" He said. I was currently wearing ugly grey sweatpants and baggy blue tshirt. Steve wore skin tight clothes. When he first started to go to the gym wearing that, I got jealous. However, after he told me that someone tried to touch him and he broke their arm, I got a little less jealous and more trusting. I should have been trusting from the get go.

Steve's POV

I took Tony to the gym. He had promised he was going to go with me and commit, but I knew he'd forget. I wasn't going to let him forget. 

When we got there, he wanted to go on the tredmills, but there was someone there I didn't want him to bump into, so I took him to a different room. We went to the weights first and then the rowing machines. Tony sat down at a rowing machine and started to use it like a pro. He seemed to be enjoying it. 

I had to move him again. I think they were following us. That was something I really didn't need right now.

"Next week were going to a different gym" I whispered. Tony heard me and frowned.

"Why, whats happening?" I was doing a good job at shielding him, but I had my brows furrowed and I couldn't stop that. "Steve."

"Let's just go to the pool, okay. We can do a few lengths, then go to the showers and wash off." I wanted him safe. The pool had a man stood there, like a guard, so I knew it would be a safe activity for Tony.

I let him go in and I had a word with the person then joined Tony in the changing room. He changed quickly into his trunks and so did I. 

"Swimming. For stamina right?" He asked. I nodded and rubbed his arms.

"Of course darling, that's right." I didn't want him to worry.

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