Bakugo x abused reader

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I closed my eyes thinking about my parents. The thought of them brought fear in my eyes. "(L/n)"? Someone touched my shoulder I jumped up. "Sorry you seemed bothered". Todoroki said. "Oh... I'm sorry". I said getting up and walking away. I went to my room and closed my eyes. An hour later there was a knock on my door. "(Y/n)"? It was Hagakure. "I'm not hungry"! I called out under my covers. "Oh ok... Are you sure? Bakugo made it... And I don't think he'll be happy that you weren't-". I cut her off. "Have fun". I said. 4 minutes later there was a loud bang on the door. "Oi! Shifter"! A voice boomed. "Yeah"? I asked. "Open the fucking door"! Bakugo yelled. I sighed opening my door. "What's this about not eating? Didn't you not eat yesterday"? Bakugo asked. "I'm eating now please leave". I said. Bakugo looked at the energy bar.

"That's not a meal". Bakugo said. "It's enough for me please have a nice night Bakugo". I said closing the door. I sighed and went to sleep. The next day I woke up. I practiced smiling in the mirror after I finished getting ready for classes. I walked out and went straight to class with my bag in hand I sat down and didn't say anything to anyone. "Good morning (Y/n)". Todoroki said. I don't know why he's always talking to me. Well not always talking to me like a friend but it's like he was trying to understand me. "Hi". I tried to give him a soft smile. But realized it's way harder than a mirror. "Are you ok you looked really upset yesterday". Todoroki said. "No I'm fine". I said. "Ok cool you're fine right now. But were you fine yesterday"? Bakugo asked. I looked at him. "She's fine everyday". Mineta looked me up and down. I looked at him and turned away. "Answer my question shifter". Bakugo said. My quirk was shape shifting. I could only do animals and small objects. I haven't been able to do a person. But usually with animals I get there abilities. Like if I turned into a cheetah I have it's speed if I turn into a gorilla which I can barely do I get it's strength. I have been able to start just shifting one part of my body. "Yes I was ok yesterday". I said. I looked at them.

"Eat lunch with me and my idiots today". Bakugo said. "I rather not". I said. "Did it sound like I was asking? If you're not there I'll come find you". Bakugo growled. My eyes widen. "Alright...". I said. "Bakugo you just don't threaten someone to hang out"! Kirishima yelled. "It fucking worked didn't it!? If I have to be apart of a shitty friend group and half n half does to. She's not special". Bakugo said. "(Y/n) is probably just shy". Ashido said. I wasn't shy. I just don't speak unless I'm spoken to that's just how I was brought up. I didn't say anything. "(Y/n) take your time". Ashido said. I gave her a questioning look. I got up, class started in 5 minutes I'll just hide in the bathroom until Aizawa sensei comes. I walked out without a word. I waited for all the girls to leave before I put on my costume. It was a skin tight suit that was easy to slip in considering that when I shape shift my clothes come off. Accept my bra and underwear thank God. But it wasn't a good time for anyone to see my body. I just came back from visiting my parents for a holiday. I was actually happy about the dorm move in. But... Ugh. "Urarka and (Y/n) you have five minutes to try and knock the other one out of the safety zone". Aizawa sensei said startling me. I nodded and got up. Urarka looked at me.

I had to be as quick as possible with this. I turned into a lion. I ran directly at Urarka who used her quirk to float me up. I quickly changed into a fly and made myself to her ear then turned into a gorilla and quickly put he over my shoulder and ran over to the non safety zone. I was actually surprised by how well the form was holding. Until I saw her eyes widen. I noticed I was actually just myself in my regular human body. And I was naked and my bruises showed. I quickly put on my clothes. "(Y/n) what happened"? Urarka asked as I walked away to sit down. "I went hiking tripped and rolled down a mountain". I lied. "You should be more careful that looked like it hurts". Yaomomo said. "I'm used to it". I said. "Huh"? Asui asked. I looked down. "It's been a couple days so y'know I'm taking meds for it. So don't worry". I mumbled sitting by myself. I closed my eyes trying not cry. I needed to calm myself. I looked at the next sparing match. Bakugo and Kaminari. The match didn't last long. I put my feet up to my chest. It was lunch time I slowly made my way to Bakugo's table. "Oh you showed up"? Bakugo asked. I quietly sat down. "Where's your lunch"? Kirishima asked. "I'm not hungry". I said.

"You're really fucking difficult". Bakugo said. "Are you threatening me with chopsticks"? I asked. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh. Our class looked at me. I blushed. "Sorry". I said looking down. "(L/n) now that I think about it this is the first time I've heard you laugh let alone seen you smile". Midoriya said. I blushed. "Sorry". I said. "Why would you apologize for being happy"? Ashido asked. I started playing with my fingers. Bakugo passed me a bento box. "Eat it". He growled. "Is this not yours"? I asked. "I made you one because you don't think I haven't noticed how little you've been eating? Eat or die". Bakugo said. I didn't know to to respond to that. I took the chop sticks and then started eating. The class started a conversation. "So what did everyone do for the holidays"? Urarka asked. Everyone said what they did what there parents. Well except Bakugo who said none of your damn business. They looked at me. "Oh uh... Well I just stayed in the house". I said. "How was the hike? Did you see anything interesting"? Iida asked. I looked at him confused. "Hiking"? I mumbled. Then it hit me my excuse for the bruises. "Oh I saw a lot of birds". I lied. I've never been hiking a day in my life. I learned about the animals I turn into purely off the internet. Since the neighbors at my house don't have a password. "That's nice". Todoroki said. "You must have fell pretty hard though". Kirishima said. "Yeah but I'm fine". I said.

Bakugo stared at me. I felt like he didn't believe anything I said.

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