Wolf Bakugo x reader lemon

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"Bakugo hi"! I smiled. He didn't say anything, gave me a irritated look, and walked off. "Wow...". I mumbled. I looked at the class. "Why is Bakugo being so mean"? I asked. "I don't know he's... Been insulting all the girls... I don't know what's wrong with him. Bakugo usually isn't like this towards us". Ashido said. "Yeah I asked him to pick a song for me and he just growled and called me a Hot Topic wearing bitch". Jirou said. "The fuck is wrong with Hot Topic"? I asked. "I can't believe this...". Urarka mumbled. "Hold on guys it's not Iike that". Kirishima said. "Yeah Kacchan can't help it...". Midoriya said. "At least he speaks to you guys! We're supposed to be friends and he acts like he hates me"! I growled. "(L/n) calm down! It's not his fault really"! Kirishima said. "Fuck that I'm going to talk to him". I said. "Uh... (L/n)! You don't want to do that! You really don't want to do that". Midoriya said. "To late I'm gone". I said. Kirishima and Midoriya gave each other scared looks. I went to Bakugo's room. I knocked once then went in to see him angrily doing pushups. "Uh... Bakugo"? I asked. He looked up at me. "Why the hell are you here"? His eyes glowed. "Why am I here"? I laughed.

"I'm here because you've been acting like such an ass to all the girls! Especially me! If you got a problem with me say it with your chest you assholel"! I yelled. Bakugo pinned me against the door he did it so fast that I went back with force. "You don't understand... What I could- what I would do to you". Bakugo said. "Oh so you do have a problem with me? Well fucking say it". I said. "You're right I do have a problem with you. I have a problem with how you look, how you dress, how you act, and how you smell". Bakugo sniffed my neck. Then my eyes widen. "Wait a minute are you ok"? I asked. "No...". He said. "Bakugo what's wrong"? I asked. "I'm on my mating season". Bakugo said. He quickly let go of me. He looked ashamed. "Leave". He said. "Wait why"? I asked. His eyes glowed again. "Fucking go"! He growled out. I stood in fear. "I-i...". Was all of got out. "I'm sorry... I can't control myself around you (Y/n). I-i want to mate with you". Bakugo said. "You want to mate with the other girls to right"? I asked. "What"? Bakugo questioned. "You've been mean to them to right"? I asked. "I didn't ask them did I"? Bakugo asked.

"You haven't asked me either". I said. "Will you mate with me for life"? Bakugo asked. My eyes widen. "What"? I asked. "Yes wolves mate for life. I'll honor you as long as you honor me and you're right by my side as my Luna". Bakugo said. "Wow uh... I'm honored but... I-i uh I'm a virgin". I mumbled. "I know you smell like it". Bakugo said. He sat on his bed. "Bakugo I like you". I said. "I like you to...". Bakugo said. "So I will be your mate if you promise me something". I said. He looked me in the eyes. "I'll give or do anything you want me to do. Just say it". Bakugo said. "Awesome... You'll be my boyfriend right"? I asked. He gave me a bitch face. "Dumbass that's literally what this is! No this is basically fucking marriage. You're stuck with me". Bakugo said. "Oh cool". I said. Bakugo kissed me I kissed him back. He quickly pulled away. "Get out". Bakugo said. "I thought... We were-". He cut me off. "We are babe. Just not while everyone is so close. I want this to be special for your first time". Bakugo said. I nodded. His eyes glowed again his nails started to turn into claws. "Get the fuck out"! His voice sounded almost demonic he pushed me out roughly and closed his door. My eyes widen. Wow. Bakugo later texted me telling me that since it was a holiday this weekend to meet him at his place. Since his parents worked and he wanted to have my scent on his bed. I just stared and sent a thumbs up emoji.

When the weekend came I was wearing jeans and a hoodie. I knocked on his door. He opened it. Bakugo automatically kissed me. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder walking to his room. "Oh uh hi"? I blushed as he laid me on the bed. "Hi". He said kissing down my neck. "Relax". He whispered. I nodded taking my hoodie off. I wasn't wearing a shirt. Bakugo bit his lip. "Do you always not wear a shirt under your hoodies"? He asked. "Yeah". I said. He just stared at me. "Can I... Make love to you"? Bakugo blushed. "I honestly thought you would have been wolfed out on me baby". I smiled. "Oh so you're ready for the beast? I've been holding back with foreplay... But if you would like to get straight to it. And I bang you until my bed breaks". Bakugo said taking off his shirt and pants. My eyes widen when I looked at his boxers. He slid my pants off. Bakugo begin to kiss my neck his hands clawed the sheets as he slowly started to turn into his wolf form. His tent in his boxers actually got bigger than before. Which made me blush. Biting my neck and licking my ear. Bakugo tore up my bra and underwear. I knew to wear my least favorite pair. I predicted this. He bit my stomach his hand clawed my thighs. He spread them apart and went to work my hands went to his head pushing him further into me. His tongue felt so good. I blushed as I felt my realease. Bakugo was sucking up my juices. He looked at me his fangs showing when he gave me a smile.

"Taste how good you are". He kissed me sticking his tongue in my mouth. He pulled away a string of saliva connecting us. "Now don't you taste good babe"? Bakugo smirked. "I-". He cut me off. "Say it". Bakugo said. "How do you taste"? I asked. "Find out". Bakugo put my hand on his tent. I palmed him through his boxers. He let out a soft groan. Bakugo kissed my boobs sucking on my nipples. I blushed. I continued to rub him through his boxers. He slid them off and his dick sprung free. I blushed. "Continue". He demanded. I did. "Your hand looks so small". Bakugo smiled. "You're big". Bakugo came without warning. I licked his cum off my hand. "I just want to...". He kissed me again. "I don't enjoy that". Bakugo said. "You don't tatse bad". I said. "I like your tatse better". Bakugo pushed me back on the bed. "Are you ready"? Bakugo asked. I nodded. He slammed into me. It surprisingly didn't hurt... I just felt uncomfortable. Bakugo kissed me again. His hand went to my neck. He squeezed it. My eyes started to roll back. He let go and I took deep breaths. He bit my shoulder drawing blood. He moved. My eyes rolled back.

"Katsuki". I moaned. My breath became heavier and deeper with every thrust. His nails digged into the mattress. I clawed his back. He stuck one of his fingers in my mouth. He pulled it out and kissed me. "I'm going to cum... I think". I blushed. "Hold it". Bakugo growled. "I-i don't know how". I mumbled. He kissed me. My held tilted back as a wave of bliss went through me. Bakugo kept going until he completely held me close he came in me. I started birth control as soon as Bakugo said at the beginning of the week that we were doing this. He slowly turned back into his regular form. "So for life"? I asked. "You're not allowed to have regrets". Bakugo mumbled looking at me hurt. "No! It's just you're stuck with me for a long time". I laughed. "Well I love you". Bakugo said. I blushed. "I love you too". I smiled. Bakugo wolf form came back his tail started wagging. "Aw". I said. He growled. I rubbed behind his ear. "I want to go again". Bakugo said getting back on me. Oh God.

(Happy birthday Katsuki Bakugo!)

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