Bakugo x Badass Reader

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My first day of UA went most likely everyone elses. Accept I bumped into the hot headed Bakugo Katsuki, heard about him from the entrance exams. "Watch where the fuck you're going". He said to me. "Watch where the the fuck you're going bitch". I growled. "Who the hell do you think you are"? Bakugo asked. I growled and walked away from him. We were the only two in class. "Fuck". I breathed out. I felt him behind me. "Oi! Can you not breath down my neck dumbass! Get the fuck". I turned to look him in his eyes. We were the exact same height. "You bitch! What the hell are you even doing here"!? Bakugo asked. "Well if all the other kids in UA are like you I know that I have no competition. And I'll be number within my week as a pro". I nonchalantly said. I walked out not wanting to be alone with this dumbass I came back five minutes later to see the class full. I sat down.

"Hello I'm Iida Tenya"! Iida said. "Ok". I stared at him my legs were gaped open and I was leaning back in my chair. "Excuse me but we have to be in a proper state. So could you not lean back and please sit up". He said. "How about you suck my dick and get the fuck out of my face before I kill you". I smiled. A green haired boy looked at me in pure terror. "Language like that from a young lady! What is your name"? He asked. "I'm (L/n) (Y/n)". I said. Later on we were testing our quirks. I knew everyones names and Aizawa sensei tossed me the a baseball. I was supposed to throw it as hard as I could with my quirk. I spun around then let activated my quirk letting go of the ball. My wings popped out and the sky took it away. Literally the sky took it it didn't come back. "Did you want that ball back"? I asked.

"Infinity". Aizawa sensei said. "Guess not". I said as my wings folded back in. 50 meter dash. Iida was by my side. I ran when it was time, using my wings to flap and push me faster. I made it in 2 seconds. Now grip strength. I blinked when I saw the device. I broke it. Huh... Do have I to pay for this? Now standing long jump. I cleared the sand box with a flap from my wings. After all this I ranked first. And Aizawa magically decided he wasn't expelling anyone. At lunch a bunch of my classmates came over to me. "Oh my God! What's your quirk? Is it butterfly wings? They are so pretty"! Ashido asked. "It's fairy". I mumbled. "Fairy? Seriously? That's lame". Bakugo said. "I beat you. No I wouldn't say that. You weren't any true competition anyway". I laughed. Months later I found myself living in a dorm. We just had a festival. Every since the first day of school Bakugo would always try to start fights with me and I would do the same. Right now we were all in the common room watching TV.

"(L/n) what will your new line of clothing be released"? A reporter asked. My eyes widen. "Aw fuck". I mumbled. "Soon, but as you can see I'm actually wearing a new peice it's after my daughter and her success of being at UA". My mom said. I saw my dad and brother smiling at her. "Wow such a girl at UA are you scared she might get hurt, you with all the recent villain attacks"? The reporter asked. "Of course we're scared. A parent should be scared, but we trust (Y/n) and support all decisions she makes". My dad. I rolled my eyes. My mom showed off her dress which were the same colors and patterns as my wings. "Can someone turn I don't like this channel". I said. "Your mom is (L/n) (M/n)!? Oh my god I love her work"! Hagakure said. "Yes her clothes are amazing"! Ashido said. "I do agree her work is amazing". Yaomomo said. "Do you guys want my clothes? She sends me shit every week. I don't wear it". I said. "So you choose to look like you're a homeless boy". Bakugo said. "Shut up, and wear a bra it'll give you some support". I said to Bakugo. He growled. "Wow your parents look so happy together". Urarka said. I laughed. "I'm leaving. Also don't believe everything you see on TV". I said walking away. I went to my room and turned on some music. I started to sing. When I was finished my eyes widen. It was only Jirou. "Are you ok"? She asked me. "Yeah...". I said. "Do you want to talk"? Jirou asked. "No". I stated. "I still think you should have sung at the festival". Jirou said. "Girl, I couldn't. I have a reputation and you sung so beautifully. It was your day. You made Eri smile". I said.

Bakugo POV

So her family life isn't good. Why did I follow her!? She also has a beautiful singing voice. I better leave before her or Jirou sees me. None of this is my fucking problem and it's not like I care about her.

(Y/n) POV

"(L/n) can I ask you questions about your quirk for my book"? Midoriya asked. I blinked. This dude could become a villain and have information on how to kill all of us. Well I do like a challenge. Plus it took him a lot of courage to ask me I can tell by how fast his heart is beating. "Sure". I said. "So what exactly can you do? It's never been actually clear". Midoriya said. "Ok I can do something called disaster". I said. "Which is"? Midoriya asked. "I can take the smallest cut on someone and make it a fatal wound, I can take the slightest poison and kick it to 1,000, and the small benign growth into a full blown cancer tumor that can take over your body". I said. His eyes widen. "I can heal as well. But I need to cry to do that so don't count on me to heal anyone". I said. "Ok your wings you can fly without them right"? Midoriya asked. "Yep the wings just take up less energy and they can't be destroyed they are a part of me". I said. "Oh is that it? I've seen you do way more". Midoriya said. "I can go small you know like fairies, I can ready thoughts, feelings, and hear your heart beat. And that's all I'm going to tell you because the other stuff is classified". I said. "What? Really"? Midoriya asked. "... It's just embarrassing". I said. "Oh... Well that's fine"! Midoriya said.

"Wow you can do a lot! Any draw backs"? Urarka asked. "Nope". I said. "I think her attitude is a draw back". Bakugo said. "Big talk coming from a bipedal bitch". I said. Bakugo got up activating his quirk. "I'll fucking kill you"! He said. I squeezed my hand and he gasped for air. "Maybe I should kill you". I said. "(Y/n)"! Jirou yelled. I stopped Bakugo fell to his knees gasping for air. "Bakubro I keep telling you to leave her alone"! Kirishima said. "You two aren't acting like proper heroes"! Iida said. "Whatever". I said pushing air back into Bakugo's lungs. He started breathing correctly. "I don't have time to play games with kids". I said. "Aren't you one of the youngest people here"? Kaminari asked. "Ok I didn't ask for your input Pikachu". I glared. "Sorry"! He said. "How about we fight without using our quirks". Bakugo said. "What"? I asked. "What scared"? He smirked. "Alright... You asked for it". I shrugged.

(A/n part 2 coming soon)

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