Fights with Bakugo

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🤬Getting into fights with Katsuki😭

💥It'll be a normal day, everything peaceful. Then boom! He comes into the house pissed.

💥"Are you ok"? "Shut the fuck up"!

💥Then that's how it starts, he accidentally takes his angry out on you.

💥You guys would argue until he shoves you back then you punch him.

💥You'll walk away angry and he'd follow you still trying to start shit.

💥Katsuki would hit you if you hit him, because he don't play that shit.

💥The funny part is fights with him aren't even frequent. He really tries to not argue with you and you having a temper yourself so you do the same. But sometimes shit happens.

💥"Katsuki stop fucking following me you asshole"! You'd push him. He slam you into the wall. "Don't fucking touch me"! He'd growl. "You're following me you ass"! You'll yell.

💥Then the tears come... You think that it's your fault he's upset and you're sad and angry.

💥Katsuki would calm down as soon as you cry. He'd be thinking of 100 different ways to apologize and what food to make you for dinner or breakfast.

💥"Don't cry! Stop! Come on! Wifey please stop crying". Katsuki would soon go from I'm mad to I shouldn't have come home with this bullshit.

💥"Why are you so mad at me Katsuki"! You'd cry more.

💥Katsuki picks you up and puts you on the couch... He then goes to the kitchen and starts cooking while you just lay in a ball.

💥While the food is cooking, Katsuki checks on you a lot. "Let me see if you're bruised". He'd say that while having a bruise on his chin from when you punched him. Which would make you cry more.

💥Katsuki would hug you tight. "I'm so sorry". He'd lightly stroke your hair. "I love you". He'd kiss your lips lightly.

💥"I love you too". You mumble. "I'm not mad at you". Katsuki would say to you knowing you think you made him angry.

💥"Katsuki why were you upset"? You ask curious. "It doesn't even matter. I feel better seeing you know". He gets up up to finish cooking.

💥In short your fights are pretty toxic but you guys don't let them affect your relationship and you always either make up that same day or just have angry sex... Which ends with both of you cuddling anyway. He always makes you an apology dinner or breakfast depending on the time of the argument.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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