Coffee Shop Owner Bakugo x Dancer reader

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"Mina where are we going"? I asked. "I have some friends I need to meet up with right quick. Order some coffee and donuts". Ashido said. I shrugged. I walked over to the counter. A guy with blonde hair and red eyes was there. I smiled at him. "Can I please get two cappuccinos and two chocolate donuts please". I said. "You said please twice". He said. "Sorry". I blushed. He made my order. "Thanks". I smiled at him. "Where the heck is Bakugo"!? Ashido asked. "Right here raccoon eyes". This Bakugo guy said. A red head came out with Ashido. "Oh you met (Y/n) already"? Ashido asked. "You could say that". Bakugo said. "(L/n) (Y/n)". I smiled at him. "Hi I'm Kirishima Eijirou"! The red head said. "This is Bakugo Katsuki! I've never seen you before. How do you know Mina"? Kirishima asked. "We met at a party". I said. "Do you like to party"? Bakugo asked. "Sometimes but not really". I said. "She was kinda just vibing in the back ground. Then a song came on. Her friends pushed her on the dance floor and I got on the dancer floor. We both started dancing. Then I talked to (Y/n) she's a professional dancer". Ashido said. I blushed. "That's so cool". Kirishima said. "Thanks". I said. "Oh Mina your coffee and donut! I'll trade you my donut for your coffee". I said. "Deal"! She said. "Do you usually drink that much coffee"? Bakugo asked. I nodded. "I go to go to school and my schedule is all over the place so I got to stay up". I said.

"School"? Kirishima asked. "She teaches exotic dancing, hip hop, and ballet". Ashido said. "Oh so you're a stripper"? A voice asked. It was a guy with blonde hair and yellow eyes. "Denki no she isn't a stripper"! Ashido said. I laughed. "Sorry! It's nothing wrong with it. I just didn't think you looked like a stripper. I'm Kaminari Denki". The new guy said. "You just asked this poor girl this"! A girl with purple hair said. "He's a idiot". A guy with black hair said. "I'm Jirou Kyouka". The girl smiled at me. "I'm Sero Hanta". The guy said. "Hi"! I smiled. "Why are you all here"? Bakugo asked annoyed. "We work here". They said. "Exactly so do your fucking jobs"! Bakugo said. "Why are you so bossy Bakubro". Kaminari pouted. "Maybe because he's your boss". Jirou said. "So!? It's break anyway"! Kaminari whined. I laughed. "You're really cute. Do you have a boyfriend"? Kaminari asked. "No". I blushed. "I've been trying to hook her up. But she keeps saying no"! Ashido said. I laughed. The next day I was at the school the last student left. I decided to go on the pole. I went up and was hanging up side down with my eyes closed. I started to close my eyes and glide around the pole.

I heard someone shut the door loudly. I was in the butterfly position. It showed a lot of my flexibility. I looked and saw it was Bakugo. "Oh don't let me stop you". He said as I flipped and got down. "What are you doing here"? I blushed. "I brought you coffee and a donut". Bakugo said. "Say less, stay if you want. Thank you". I said taking the coffee. I drunk out of it. "What really does bring you here"? I asked. "I just wanted to see a professional in action". He said as I started to do my stretches bringing my leg to my head and standing on the tip of my toes. I put my leg down. "You're really flexible aren't you"? Bakugo asked. "Yeah kinda". I laughed. For the pass 2 months Bakugo has been bringing me coffee and a donut sometimes he'll even bring regular food for us to eat he made himself. I met up with Ashido. "Hey, you didn't have to tell Bakugo to bring me food everyday". I laughed. "What"? She asked. "You know he's been coming by for the pass couple of months". I said. "Really!? I didn't know"! Ashido said. "Oh...". I said. "Bakugo never does this! He must actually consider you his friend". Ashido said. We were doing hip hop moves. "That's cool". I said. "Do you like him"!? Ashido asked. I blushed. "Of course not"! I said. "You do! Oh my God! You have a crush on Bakugo"! Ashido said. "Wait a minute! Don't yell it! Please don't tell him"! I said.

"I won't but this means we have to get you two together! He likes you! I know he does! And if you don't believe me come on"! She said leaving. My eyes widen. I followed her. We went to a apartment. She unlocked the door with a key. "Hey babe"! She called out. Kirishima walked in. "Hey"! He smiled at us. "Does Bakugo like (Y/n)"!? Ashido asked. "Definitely". Kirishima said. I blushed. "But he didn't tell you that himself"? I frowned. "Oh you like Bakugo back"!? Kirishima yelled. I blushed. "Who likes me"? Bakugo walked in. Our eyes widen. "Why are you shocked"!? Ashido and I yelled at Kirishima. "I forgot he was here"! Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I should go". I laughed nervously. "Wait do you like me"? Bakugo asked. "Me no speak Japanese". I said about to leave. "Hey wait dumbass"! Bakugo grabbed my hand. He pulled me outside closing the door. "You're going out with me now". Bakugo smiled. "Really"!? I asked. "Hell yeah"! He smiled. The next 2 weeks of us dating I decided to surprise Bakugo and visit on his lunch break. "Hi"! I smiled. "Hey what are you doing here sexy"? Bakugo smirked. I blushed. "I decided to make you lunch"! I smiled. I stared at the bento box in his hands. "Oh...". I blushed. He took it anyway. We sat down at a table. "Are you eating"? Bakugo asked. "No. I can't". I said.

"Eh? Why"? Bakugo asked. "I got to teach a hip hop class in 35 minutes eating might make me feel bad". I said. "Understandable". He ate my food. "You made it extra hot for me"? Bakugo smirked. I smiled. "Aww"! Sero and Kaminari said. We blushed. "Shut up you dumbasses"! Bakugo yelled. I laughed. Bakugo kissed me. "Katsuki"! I yelled blushing. "What"? He asked. My phone went off. "Oh frick I gotta go". I said. "Woah there watch your damn mouth". Katsuki joked. I kissed his cheek. "Hey come by my place". I said. "Ok". Bakugo said. Later on there was a knock on my door. I stayed in a kinda small apartment. I finished cleaning. I let Bakugo in. He looked around. "Nice place". He said. He looked at my pictures. "Who's that a ex"? Bakugo asked. It was a picture of my brother. "No...". I said. "What? He didn't take the answer I'm saving myself for Katsuki"? Bakugo laughed. "He's my brother". I said. "Oh damn. Sorry". Bakugo said. I laughed.

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