Bakugo x Male Reader

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Being a pro was never easy I had to deal with a lot of stress. I loved saving people and I also get to see my UA friends very often. Inside and out the battlefield. Right now I was with Kirishima we just finished fighting. "Hey do you want to meet Bakubro for coffee (L/n)"? Kirishima said. "Uh I don't know...". I said. "Come on dude. You're never around Bakubro what happened between you two"? Kirishima asked. What happened? He flat out rejected me when I confessed my feelings to him. "Nothing". I said. "Alright come on"! He said putting his arms around me. I sighed and then followed him, slightly protesting. We were changed out of our hero costumes. Fuck how the hell am I supposed to deal with Bakugo? I haven't spoken to him in a entire year! I spoken to Mineta more than Bakugo! We made it, Bakugo was sitting down. "Bakubro"! Kirishima said. He looked up and looked surprised to see me. "What the hell are you doing here"? Bakugo asked me.

"I'll leave". I quickly said. "Wait (L/n)"! Kirishima yelled. I ran out. I went to my apartment, I sighed. "Shit I'm acting like a fucking teenage girl in some fucking romance anime". I yelled punching the wall and put a hole through it. My eyes widen. "Oh shit sorry"! I said. I blinked. I'm saying sorry to a wall... I pressed my head against the door. "I'm so stupid". I mumbled. There was a loud knock on the door. I jumped back startled. I opened it thinking it was my next door neighbor complain about the loud thump from earlier. I opened it. She looked at me worried. "Are you alright"? She asked letting herself in. "Uh... Yeah". I said. "Jesus no, you aren't you're bleeding". She said. "Oh damn, sorry about the noise". I said. "It's cool". She said going to my bathroom and getting the first aid kit. "Mika". I said. "I don't need to hear your complaining". She said. I laughed. She patched me up. Her face leaned to me. Then my door burst open. Bakugo stared at us. His face slowly getting angrier. "What the fuck"!? Bakugo growled.

"Oh my God! Ground Zero"! Mika said. "Mika...". I said. "Sorry (L/n)... Uh do you want to maybe... Get something to drink this weekend"? She asked me. "No! Get the hell out"! Bakugo yelled. Mika eyes widen and she quickly left. "How the hell did you find my apartment number"!? I asked. "I knocked on every door". Bakugo said. "Oh... What do you want"? I asked. "What happened to you"? He asked. "Oh I accidentally punched the wall". I said. "You accidentally... Punched the wall"? Bakugo said. "Yeah my hand slipped". I said. "Huh usually when I punch walls it's because I'm angry. But you're not the angry type and you're also a pussy so you probably punched it because you were frustrated". Bakugo said. "Don't just fucking come in here and pretend like you know who the fuck I am"! I growled. "Why did you run? You made shitty hair worry". Bakugo said. He had the audacity to ask me why the fuck I ran. "I just had to get home". I said. "I think we need to clear some shit up. Make me some tea". Bakugo said.

"... I". Was all of could say. "Are you that stupid? You can't do something as simple as to make tea"? Bakugo asked. "I can"! I yelled going to the kitchen I made us some tea and we sat down to talk. "Why haven't you spoken to me"? Bakugo asked. "Not like you made a effort to speak to me". I said. "Listen to me why the hell haven't you spoke to me"? Bakugo asked. "Because! You rejected me do you understand how embarrassed I felt! A guy telling another guy how he felt! That shit... You were probably disgusted". I said looking down. "I didn't reject you. By what I remember I didn't say anything". He drunk the tea. "That usually is a rejection". I said. "Well it wasn't. It was a wait". Bakugo said. I looked at him confused. "A wait"? What the fuck was that?! "Yes wait until we were out of school, wait until we were both pros. I wanted both of us to focus on our goals. But I didn't want you to just flat out ignore me. And I didn't know how to talk to you. It wasn't like I could ask anyone. I didn't know if you were out or not". Bakugo said. "Dude... How the fuck would I know that from you not saying anything!? Oh my god"! I yelled. "Why are you upset? I see you have a little admirer". Bakugo said. "Mika? She's just my neighbor". I said.

"Have you been with other people"? Bakugo asked. "Yeah". I said. "So you didn't wait for me"? Bakugo asked. "I didn't know you wanted me to dude". I said. "Oi! Girls or guys"? Bakugo asked. "Why would it-". He cut me off. "Girls or guys"? He asked. "Girls! I wasn't attracted to any guys! I was only attracted to you Bakugo"! I yelled. He smirked. "So do you still want me"? Bakugo asked. "You can fucking leave if you're just going to sit there and play with my feelings"! I said getting angry and getting up. Bakugo stood up too. He was 5 inches taller than me and I hated it. "Answer the question"! He yelled. "I ain't gotta answer shit Sparky"! I yelled. Bakugo pushed me on the couch. "Do I have to make you answer me"? He asked getting on top of me. My eyes widen, my heart speeded up, my mind got foggy. I think I almost stopped breathing.

My whole face had to be red. I turned my head from meeting his eyes. Bakugo grabbed my jaw making me look at him. "Heh you're cute". He said. "I'm a man"! I yelled. "Men can't be cute"? Bakugo asked. "Well... I guess". I said. Bakugo placed his lips on mine I was shocked to say the least. "Kiss me back dumbass. You waited long enough". Bakugo said. I felt like I was going to cry. "You're mine now ok"? He placed his hand on my cheek so I could look at him. "So we're dating"!? I smiled. "Yeah idiot". Bakugo said. I kissed him, his lips were softer than I expected surprisingly. "Do you wanna... Like watch a movie? I got all the Fast and Furious movies, or do you want to watch a hero movie? I have all the DC And MARVEL movies... I have horror to do you like the Conjuring or maybe The Quiet Place. Do you wanna watch some old All Might interviews and videos I have some along with a lot of other pros and our old senseis-". Bakugo cut me off. "Shut up ok"? He asked. I nodded. He went to my movie selection. I sat up putting my feet on the couch so my knees were to my head. I was so embarrassed. Now we're dating... The man I have feelings for is going through my movies... Wait there's porn there! "Oi! Bakugo"! I yelled. He was staring at something. "Are you gay or bi"? Bakugo asked. "Why"? I asked. He held up male and female porn CDs. "Who watches porn on TV you weirdo. You know what the internet is right"? Bakugo laughed. "Well... It's not really mine. But ok". I said.

"Oh not yours? What porn do you watch"? Bakugo asked. "This is embarrassing just pick a movie idiot"! I yelled. "What if I want to watch one of these"? He smirked. "Well you can but I'm not. I never understood why people would watch porn with other people in the room... Kinda weird". I said. "So you wouldn't want to watch it with me? A shame if I tear you open then, because I'm inexperienced in having sex with a male". Bakugo shrugged. My eyes widen. "Tear... Me"? I asked in fear. "Yeah... You didn't just think I could stick it in and everything is fine"? Bakugo asked. That's exactly what I thought. But why is he talking about all of this when we just started dating 3 minutes ago. "We just got together, don't think I'll let you in my pants that easily- wait why am I bottom"? I asked. "Because you have a nice ass and you look like a bottom between the both of us". Bakugo said. "Because I'm shorter than you"? I asked. "No just because of your attitude. Look you had to have someone patch your hand for you". Bakugo said. I see right now I'm not winning this. If being a bottom means I can have Bakugo for myself then I'm ok with it. "Fine but I'm still not letting you in my pants this early into the relationship". I laughed. "I'd be upset if you did. I like a challenge"! Bakugo said. "Oh really bro"? I asked. "Hell yeah". Bakugo said.

(A/n I liked writing this way more than I should have)

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