Bakugo x abused reader part 2

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I was sitting down and the girls walked over to me. "Hi (L/n)"! Hagakure said. I waved. "Are you excited that there's a parent party"? Ashido asked. "There's a what"? I asked in fear. "You didn't know? Aizawa sensei is sending out the invitations now. It's for the parents to get more familiar with the environment we're in". Yaomomo said. "Wheres Aizawa sensei"? I asked. "Oh he's in his office". Urarka said. "Thanks bye". I quickly got up and ran to Aizawa sensei office. "Sensei sorry for bothering you. But I just heard there's a event with parents and...". What was I supposed to say? "And my parents are out on business so there's no reason to mail the letter for me". I said. I didn't want them to be here. This is the only place where I don't feel like I could be scared of them. Aizawa looked at me. "Is everything ok at your home"? Aizawa asked. "Yes everything is fine. Could you not send the letter sensei please". I said. He looked at me. He nodded. "You know (Y/n) I have a assignment for you. How would you feel about watching Eri on the day of the party? Since you won't be there". Aizawa sensei said. I nodded. Eri that poor girl I'm glad they saved her when they did... "Yes! I'm ok with that. Thank you sensei". I bowed. "(Y/n) you know when ever holidays come. There is a option to stay at the school". Aizawa sensei said. There is!? I wouldn't have went home if I knew that. "Oh ok. That's nice to know. Thank you sensei". I said walking out. I went back to the dorms. "(Y/n)!? Are you ok"! The girls asked. The boys were here now. "Yeah just tired night". I said going to my room.

Bakugo POV

"I know (L/n) likes to be alone and she's quiet. But lately she seems... Way more distance". Jirou said. "Yeah". Urarka said. "Maybe she's in pain from her hiking injury and she doesn't want us to worry". Deku said. "I mean that would make sense". Kirishima said. "Does it"? Todoroki asked. "What are you talking about half n half"? I asked. "I don't know I just don't believe the I fell hiking story. (L/n) doesn't seen like the type of person to go hiking. And those bruises looked like someone hit her". Todoroki said. He was thinking what I was thinking. "You're saying that (L/n) got into a fight? We've known her for a year she isn't the type to even start conflict". Kirishima said. "Maybe she was jumped". Kaminari said. "Yeah they probably just ambushed her while she was walking or something"? Sero asked. "But why would she lie about hiking"? Iida asked. "Maybe she just doesn't want to look weak"? Yaomomo said. "That's bull shit. (L/n) wouldn't care-". I cut myself off. "Whatever". I said getting up. "Going to bed Bakubro"? Kirishima asked. I nodded. I went to my room and I couldn't even sleep. I left and went to (L/n)'s room. It was locked so I knocked on the door gently trying not draw attention to anything. She opened the door surprisingly.

"I want to talk". I said walking in completely. I looked around her room, taking notes of things. It didn't look like she had much just a bed and one poster on the wall. "Bakugo don't you sleep early? It's 11 o'clock how did you sneak over here"? She asked rubbing her eyes. I never noticed this before because I've only seen her in long sleeve shirts. But there was cuts all up her arms. But her quirk makes her naked when she uses it so why haven't anyone noticed these before. Maybe she was shape shifting her arms. Then it hit me. That's exactly what she does. She can't shape shift fully into a different person but maybe she's learned to do certain parts of her body. She showed the the bruises for the cuts. "Bakugo"? She asked. "Why are your arms cut up"? I asked. Her facial expression didn't change but I saw the panic in her eyes. "No reason". She said putting on a hoodie. "You said you wanted to talk"? She asked. "Yes I know what's going on". I said. She looked amused. "What do you mean"? She asked.

"I heard you talking to Aizawa about the parent gathering. I see how everytime there's a home visit you come back hurt. I've heard you on the phone with your parents before (L/n). If they're hurting you so bad to the point that you're hurting yourself. Then... You should just go ahead and tell Aizawa". I said. She put her head down. "Is that it"? She asked I could hear the crack in her voice. She looked up at me with tears rolling down her face. "Y-you should head back I don't want you to getintrouble". Her words were pushed together as she just bawled out crying. I honestly didn't know what to do in his situation. When I cried like this when I was smaller the old hag would just. I pulled (L/n) into my chest. She looked up at me surprised. "What... What are you doing"? She asked. "You never been hugged before dumbass"? I asked. She looked at me. Oh... She hasn't. She put her face in my chest. "I'm sorry". She said. "For"? I asked. "I bet everyone in class is worried about me. I hear when you guys talk about how worried you are about me. I'm so sorry that I'm such a burden I try to not worry anyone". I said. I hugged her tighter. "Bakugo I promise you these aren't self inflicted. I didn't do it... They- I can't fight against them". She mumbled. "Why do they hate me"? She asked. "Because they're assholes you don't deserve this. And if I have to... If I have to fucking blast those bitches I'll do it". I said.

"Bakugo...". She pulled away from me. I kissed her. Her eyes widen. "Bakugo"? She asked. "I'll protect you ok"? I asked. "Is that a weird way of you confessing"? She asked. "I didn't confess shit. I meant what I said the way I said it". I blushed. She smiled. My heart almost stopped. "I like you too". She mumbled.

(Y/n) POV

I told Aizawa sensei showed him the evidence of what they did. He immediately went to my parents house. I don't know what he did after that but my parents were arrested. All I had to do was confirm the case in court next month. I was with Eri. "Do you like coloring"? Eri asked. "I don't remember doing much of it. But I'm sure I like it if you like it". I said. She handed me a sheet of paper. It had a dog on it. "You have to pick some of your favorite colors then try not to go outside the line. It's hard but I think you can do it"! Eri said. I looked at her. I started to color. "Hi Bakugo". Eri said. I looked back. "Hey brat... Brats". Bakugo laughed looking at me color. "Look how good at coloring (L/n) is". Eri said. "I'm not good". I said. "You're good". Bakugo said. I blushed. "Follow me right quick". Bakugo said. I followed Bakugo outside the room. He kissed me. "You doing ok"? He asked. "Of course. You didn't have to come find me Bakugo". I said. "I told you to call me Katsuki, (Y/n) we're dating right". Bakugo said. "Sorry Katsuki". I said. "Katsuki"! A voice said. He didn't look he took a breath and growled. "The hell you want old hag"? Bakugo asked. "You have a girlfriend and didn't think to tell me! Hi sweetie! I'm sorry for my son. I'm Mitsuki Bakugo". She smiled. I smiled at her.

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