Bakugo x Badass reader 2

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I was getting ready to fight Bakugo when Aizawa sensei came in. "(Y/n) you have visitors". He said annoyed. "What"? I asked. My brother walked in. Keiko. And three body guards. "Hell nah". I said. "I see you still choose to look that ugly. I see why mom didn't come". He said. I glared at him. "Bitch made as always Keiko. Tell me have your balls dropped since you're so high on that horse". I said. "I don't have time for this. They want you, you're coming. They sent me to make sure you look decent". Keiko said. "Pass, you can leave". I said. "I see so do you want to tell them that. Because I'm sure as hell not". Keiko said. "(L/n)... Who is this"? Bakugo asked. "My brother". I said. "(Y/n) they said they'll make you leave UA if you don't come. I don't like you. So I rather have you here than home, I know you feel the same way". Keiko said. "You have no idea how I feel about all of you". I said. I made a dagger and threw it at him. He put up his force field and it came back to me, I caught it. "Are you ready? Where is your room? Let's get you looking somewhat like a female". Keiko said. "Whatever". I walked away and he followed.

Bakugo POV

I looked at Jirou who looked worried. "I've never seen her cave in like that". Kirishima said. "I don't like him". I mumbled. "What did you say Kacchan"? Deku asked. "Nothing nerd". I growled. An hour later (L/n) walked in wearing a designer dress, makeup, her hair was done. It... It wasn't her. She looked good but she looked better normal. "Walk right". Her brother said. She started walking straight. "Show me how you sit". He said. She sat down leaning in back and legs spreaded. "Honey, you're in a dress". Ashido said. "Sit proper don't fuck with me we're late". Her brother said. (L/n) sat straight up crossing her legs. "I know the fucking routine, let's go so I can get back. I'm supposed to be fighting someone y'know"? (Y/n) asked. "Fighting someone"? Her brother asked. "Blonde boy with angry face". She said. Her brother looked directly at me. I glared at him. "He looks like Matsuki Bakugo". He said. "Let's go Larry, Curly, Moe". She said to the guards walking away.

3 hours passed. "Guys look! (Y/n) is on TV"! Hagakure said. Everyone came to look. Her family was smiling and she wasn't. "She really is the black sheep of them". Iida said. "(Y/n) (L/n)! Can you tell us about your experience at UA"! people yelled. "It's ok". She said. Her parents looked at her. She put on a smile. "It's so much fun! I really like it! I hope to be a good hero and protect everyone". She said happily. "Why does she look like she she's in pain"? Todoroki asked. "Obviously because she is half n half". I said. "Do you have a boyfriend"? Someone asked. "Of course she does! She's dating Kenuma Saiko. The young model". Mom said. (L/n) eyes said she hasn't even spoken to this guy. "(Y/n) has a boyfriend"? Asui asked. Why did I feel so weird. "Kinda... Yes". Jirou said. "Speaking of him". Her mom said. A guy walked over to (L/n). "Hey babe. I didn't know you were coming". He said kissing her on the lips. I clenched my fist. She took a step back from him. "Alright I gotta go. I came. I have important things. Peace". She quickly left. I need to talk to her alone

(Y/n) POV

Fuck life. I changed clothes, made my way to UA by flying. I came into the common room. "You have a boyfriend"!? The girls ran to me. "You have a boyfriend that's a model! That must me so cool"! Ashido said. I blinked. "... He's not my boyfriend. I hate him". I said. "So... Why are you telling people that"? Kaminari asked. "I didn't tell anyone anything. My parents said that. He just goes along with it". I said. "He can't be that bad". Urarka said. "I wouldn't know. I just don't like him". I said. "I'm going to bed". I left. When I made it to my room. I was stopped. It must be Jirou. "I'm fine Ky-". I saw it was Bakugo. "Oh sorry about the fight". I said. He pushed me in the room and locked the door. "What the hell is up with you"? He asked. "What you mean"? I asked. "I mean... You can sense my emotions can't you"? Bakugo asked. I blushed. Fuck I forgot I told Midoriya that. "What you mean"? I asked. "Don't fucking play with me. You knew! You knew from the beginning"! Bakugo said. "Woah! Dude chill! I didn't know from the beginning. I only knew when I caught you staring at me and I wanted to see if you hated me". I said.

He growled. "And when was that"!? He yelled. "3 months ago". I said. "You knew for three fucking months and never said anything!? You just let me- fuck it. How do you feel about me"? Bakugo asked. "I... You don't need to know". I said. "Look at me". He said. I looked at him. He kissed me. My eyes widen. He didn't stop he was rough and passionate with it. I soon found my eyes closed kissing him back. I went back on my bed. He continued kissing me. I needed air. For the first time in my life why did I feel like... Why did I feel weak. I pulled away. "What"? He asked. "What"? I asked back. "What the fuck are we"? Bakugo asked. "We can be friends". I said. He stared at me. "We can be- that doesn't work for me". Bakugo said. "... What do you want"? I asked. "I want you to be mine". He said. "I'm nobody's". I said. "Ok and I'm not saying you're a object. I'm just saying you're mine. As in be my fucking girlfriend dumbass". Bakugo said blushing. My eyes widen.

"Wait really!? That's where this was going"!? I yelled. "Duh what the hell were you thinking"? Bakugo asked. "Firstly get the fuck off me". I said. He got off of me. "And yeah... I'll be your girlfriend". I smiled at him. "You know I actually think you're really pretty". Bakugo said. I laughed. "Thanks Bakugo". I said. "You can call me Katsuki". He said. "(Y/n)". I said. He kissed me again. There was a knock on the door. "(Y/n) are you ok"? Jirou asked. "Yeah I'm fine". I said. "Why is your door locked"? She asked. "Give me a second". I said getting up. Bakugo pulled me back down. "Ears she's mine tonight come back tomorrow". Bakugo said. "Oh ok"! Jirou said surprised hearing Bakugo's voice. "What the fuck dude"? I asked. "What? I've waited 8 months to confess. I ain't waiting any longer to get to know you better. Ears knows you. It's my turn. So tell me what the fuck is going on with your people"? Bakugo asked.

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