Brother Bakugo x Sister reader

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I saw him... Deku my childhood best friend. "Hey nerd"! I smiled at him. "Oh hi"! Deku smiled at me. I felt someone hug me from my back side. My eyes widen. "Shouto stop what if Katsuki sees us"! I blushed. "You're afraid of your brother"? Shouto asked kissing my cheek. "Of course not"! I said. "(Y/n)"! A loud yell could be heard. I pushed Shouto away from me. "Oh there you are! Why the hell are you with half n half and Deku"? Katsuki asked. "No reason. What you need"? I asked. "Oh give me a blue pen". He said. I reached into my bag and gave him a pen. "Thanks". He said. He glared at Deku and Shoto. "Come on". Katsuki dragged me away. No one but Deku knew about Shoto and I. Katsuki and I sat with the Bakusquad. "Heyy (N/n)". Kaminari smirked at me. "Hi...". I blushed. Katsuki threw a plastic knife at him. My eyes widen. "Katsuki"! I yelled. "What my hands slipped". Katsuki said. "Bakugo"! A boy walked over. Katsuki and I looked. He was one of our senpais. "Bakugo-chan". He said looking at me. "Yeah"? I smiled. "Can I talk to you in private"? He asked. "If you want to talk to her you have to talk to me to"! Katsuki growled. "It's fine"! I said to Katsuki. "What? Only thing he's going to do is confess. Aren't you? Well guess what my sister isn't dating some no name extra. Or anyone in the matter. So get your ass out of her face before I blast your ass into next week"! Katsuki growled activating his quirk. The guy quickly left when he noticed everyone was staring at him.

"Katsuki...". I mumbled. "What? You're to young to date anyway". Katsuki said. "I'm only a year younger than you Katsuki... You didn't have to be so mean. Yeah I was going to reject him. But he didn't deserve to be put out in the spot like that". I said. "Bakugo how are you going to act when she does get a boyfriend"? Ashido laughed. "She's never getting a boyfriend as long as there is still air in my lungs". Katsuki said. Shouto popped up. "Aizawa sensei needs us for something". Shoto said. "Ok Todoroki". I said. "What for"? Katsuki asked. "If I knew I would have told her". Shouto shrugged. "Katsuki calm your tits. It's cool". I said. He rolled his eyes. Shouto took me to the roof. "What"? I asked. "The guy who was trying to confess to you". Shouto said. "I still like you". I said. Shouto kissed me. I kissed him back. I pulled away sitting down. He sat beside me. "You're going to tell him about us right"? Shouto asked. I nervously laughed. "I... Can we just keep it a secret forever"? I asked. He looked at me and didn't say anything. Later on in the dorms. Shouto sat by me really close. Well not like close close but closer than he should have. Because Katsuki told all the guys they weren't allowed to sit no more then 5 feet from me. I looked at him. Don't piss him off Shouto for the love of God don't. "Oi half n half! What the hell are you doing"? Katsuki asked. "It's a couch, I'm sitting down". Shouto said. "Well you're to close". Katsuki said. "Am to close (Y/n)"? Shouto asked. "No he's fine". I mumbled. Deku looked over eyes widen.

I mouth a help to him. "Todoroki I can sit over there and you can sit right here if you want". Deku mumbled. Katsuki didn't care how close Deku got to me. Because to Katsuki when it comes to me. Deku isn't a threat. "I'm fine right here Midoriya thank you". Shouto said. Do you really choose now to be like this. Katsuki was on one side of me while Shouto was on the other side. "Hey (Y/n) you got some flowers"! Hagakure said. "Oh cute"! The girls said looking at the 6 red and 6 white roses. Shouto smiled at me gently. Katsuki looked at them, then looked at Shoto. It didn't take long for it to click in his mind. "Oh hell no"! Katsuki jumped over me activating his quirk trying to get to Shouto. My eyes widen I quickly tackled Katsuki down. "Kat stop"! I yelled. "No! Icyhot sent you the flowers"! Katsuki said. "I know Kat"! I yelled. "Ok so let me reject him for you"! Shouto rolled his eyes.

"The other stuff should have been there to". He sighed checking his phone. "Why is there a giant box of chocolate outside"? Urarka asked walking in. "Happy 3 month fire cracker". Ashido read the card. I blushed. "3 what now"? Katsuki yelled pushing me off of him. "I swear it's not what it looks like"! I yelled. "Why did I find this Valentine's Day looking basket out side with gaint chocolates and a teddy outside"? Kirishima asked holding the stuff. "I think that's everything". Shouto mumbled. I blushed. "(Y/n) you better start fucking explaining some shit to me". Katsuki said. "It's our friend anniversary"! I lied. Katsuki frowned at me. "Huh... It's good to know that my own blood will sit here and lie to my fucking face". Katsuki said. "Kat I'm sorry but... You're difficult. I had to lie to you because you wouldn't approve of our relationship because you don't like Shouto". I said. "What Bakugo and I are friends". Shouto said. "Shut up half n half"! Katsuki and I yelled. "It's not because I fucking hate icyhot it's because. No one deserves you. You're mini me! We're supposed to be kicking extras asses together". Katsuki said. "Katsuki how does me dating anyone effect us kicking ass together"? I asked.

"Because he'll take up your time and take you away from me! You won't even talk to me anymore sis...". Katsuki mumbled. "Uh... Bakugo you are aware that she's ditched me multiple times to go with you right? Do you know how many dates she's left me on or rain check it because of you"? Shouto asked. "I'm sorry". I mumbled. "I'm not upset (Y/n) I actually admire how committed you are to your family". Shouto said to me. "Ok... Half n half give me one reason why you're worthy of my sister"? Katsuki asked. "I love her". Shouto said. My face went red. Katsuki chuckled dryly. "Like I'm supposed to believe that shit". Katsuki said. "I can spend my old man's yen on her". Shouto said. Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Because I respect every decision she makes and her in general". Shouto said. "Fine! But... If you break her heart in breaking all 208 of your bones". Katsuki growled. I hugged him. "See Deku it went better then expected"! I said. "Deku knew"! "Midoriya knew"! They yelled. Later on I was with Shouto in his room. "You did that shit on purpose". I said. "Yes I did. He needed to know. It went well in the end". Shouto said. "Yeah what if he would have blew your ass up! I should have let him". I said. Shouto placed his lips on mine softly. "It worked out. I connected the dots". Shouto said. "You didn't connect shit". I mumbled. He smiled.

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