Bakugo x Male Reader 2

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"So who all knows about you being gay"? Katsuki asked. "I'm not gay". I mumbled. "Then why the fuck am I cuddling you"? Katsuki growled. I pouted. "I'm pansexual everyone is hot to me". I smiled. "But I'm the best right"? Katsuki said. "Yeah sure". I said. There was a knock on my door since Katsuko was at my apartment. "Who is that"? He asked. Probably Mika. I opened the door and it was my dad. My eyes widen. "Sup". I said. Katsuki looked at him. "I brought you some seafood". Dad said. "Oh is there lobster and crab? I love that"! I said happily. "I know I'm in a fight with your mother she put me out". Dad said. "Damn that's rough". I laughed. He smacked the back of my head. "This isn't funny do you wanna go through a divorce"? Dad yelled. "Uh... Depends on what you did". I shrugged. "I just said that her food taste like shit and her hair was ugly the way she had it". Dad said. "Mom can't cook but why you had to insult her hair? You're lucky she's still with you". I rolled my eyes letting him.

"Well you know how women are". He chuckled. "Speaking of women... You got a girl yet"? Dad asked. "Do you not have anywhere else to go"? I asked. "Oh so a pro hero can't spend time with his old man"? Dad asked. "That's not what I meant, don't guilt me". I said. Katsuki dropped the tv remote on purpose. "Oh right! Dad this is my friend Bakugo Katsuki"! I smiled. "Oh Ground Zero... I thought you didn't like him". Dad said. "So you want some tea"? I asked. "No, cook I need a good meal". Dad said. There was another knock. Mika let herself in. "Mika hi wassup"? I asked. "Nothing just wanted to borrow a movie. Hi". Mika greeted Katsuki and my dad. Katsuki didn't say anything and my dad smiled. "Well hello there young lady I'm (L/n) Sota". Dad said. "Hi! I'm Mika Sakura. (Y/n) can I borrow a hero movie"? Mika asked. "Sure". I said. "Hey my son is going to cook, you should stay". Dad said. I never said I was cooking...

"Oh no I really have to get back". Mika said. "Alright then hope to see you around". Dad as Mika left. "She was pretty". Dad said to me. "Dad"! I yelled. "What she was right Bakugo"? Dad asked. "I didn't see it". Katsuki said. "Well you are a top hero I'm sure your standards might be higher. Than a average man's". Dad said. Not really. "But she looked like she likes you". Dad said to me. "Uh... You think"? I asked. "Hell yeah you're tough and you can cook". Dad said. "Not well". I said. "It's ok, it's your mothers genes". Dad said. "I didn't know cooking skills were a gene". Katsuki said taking the food from me and going to the kitchen. "Are you cooking"? I asked. "You think I trust you with something like this"? He asked. Hell no because I wouldn't trust me either. "So dad when are you planning on making up with mom"? I asked. "Ugh who knows. When she stops bitching". Dad said. My eyes widen. "Oi! You're not going to fucking disrespect her in front of me. Be lucky I'm letting you stay here". I said. "Is that so"? Dad stood up to me. I glared at him.

"(Y/n) come help in the kitchen I don't know where shit is". Katsuki said. I left feeling aggravated. Katsuki and I have been dating for 4 months he should know where everything is. I sighed putting my head down on the table. Katsuki put his hand in my head gently petting me. "Your dad is a asshole". Katsuki said. "Get ready because he's homophobic as well. My mom isn't, she knows about my crush I had on you. But he would send me to fucking Bible camp". I said. "You're a grown ass man". Katsuki said. I put my head down again. I sat in the kitchen the whole time Katsuki cooked, I was looking at his ass. "Hey (Y/n) I was thinking about this girl that's just perfect for you"! Dad called. "I'm poisoning his fish". Katsuki mumbled. I didn't say anything. "Dad please stop. I'm not interested in no one you thought about or know". I said. "You keep acting like that, people will think you swing the other way. And no son of mine will be a homo". Dad said. I nodded. "Yeah me being gay that's crazy". I said drinking some coffee. "Finished". Katsuki said. "How about you Bakugo, have a girlfriend"? Dad asked.

"No". Katsuki said. I tapped my fingers on the table. "Hey Bakubro I have to go in 20". I said. "Oh hero duties"? Dad asked. I nodded. "Eat first and not to much. I don't need to hear you complaining about your stomach or get your ass kicked because it hurts". Katsuki said. "I never complain". I mumbled. "Yeah whatever". He said. "Dad are you staying over the night or..."? I asked. "Don't worry I'll be here when you get back"! Great... I let out a sigh. Later on I was patrolling the area. Nothing was happening really. I felt someone grab me. "Shh it's just me". Katsuki said in his hero costume. "Oh wassup"? I asked. "I told my parents about you". He said. My eyes widen. "What"? I yelled. "Yeah I told them the first 2 months of us dating. They were happy for me". Katsuki said. I took out a cigarette. He took it from me. "What the hell did I say about smoking that shit around me"? Katsuki growled. "I'm sorry but I just need one". I said. "I can give you something else you can suck and blow on". Katsuki smirked. My eyes widen. I laughed. "Bro... Ok I'm sorry I won't smoke in front of you". I said. "You'll quit"? He asked. I stared at him.

"No". I said. He grabbed my throat. He wasn't hurting me or anything. I could easily defend myself from him to. My quirk was water. Only thing I need is a drop of water and can do a lot of damage. Also sweat is water... So I could drain him. "What did you just say"? Katsuki asked. "You don't like lies and I can't promise you I can quit". I said. Katsuki kissed me. We weren't in public. I kissed him back. "Try to quit for me ok"? Katsuki asked. "Yeah of course". I smiled

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